Records of Eastry Residents


Douglas Welby researched the data presented in this extensive document, which contains details of the location of records of Eastry people. The records are divided into sub-sections as shown in the Contents list below. 16th-17th century Marriages were transcribed by Kath Hollingsbee & Ruth Nicol from the registers at St Mary’s church, and further additions made by Douglas. Other records are contained in "The Jack Bones Collection" stored in the Sandwich Guildhall Archives. The Kent Family History society have produced CDs with records from local towns and villages, including Eastry:

The St.Mary's Church, Eastry registers began in September 1559
The registers are defective in burials and marriages from 1645 to September 1653.
1645 –three entries of burials, 1646 – one, 1647 – six, 1648 & 49 - zero, 1650 – one,
1651 – five, 1652 - one, and none up to September 1653.
No marriage entries in 1647, 1648, 1650, 1651 and in 1653.

Contents List

(a) 16th-17th century Marriages pages 1 – 6 (340 entries)
(b) Baptisms from the 16th century pages 6 – 12 (353 entries)
(c) Burials from 16th century pages 13 – 39 (1,656 entries)
(d) Eastry people buried in other places pages 40 – 41 (100 entries)
(e) Eythorne Baptist records born& died in Eastry pages 42 – 43 (116 entries)
(f) Eastry Settlements/ Removals 18th century pages 44 – 48 (250 entries)
(g) Eastry Marriages from 18th century pages 49 – 56 (500 entries)
(h) Eastry people married in other parishes pages 57 – 60 (230 entries)
(i) 18th century Kent Poll Tax page 61 (56 entries)
(j) Eastry Census Returns from 1801 pages 62 – 84 (1,411 entries)
(k) Eastry people listed on other returns pages 85 – 89 (300 entries)
(l) Baptisms from Eastry Parish/EVN* from 1955 pages 90 – 96 (430 entries)
(m) Marriages ditto pages 97 – 99 (170 entries)
(n) Burials/cremations etc. ditto pages 100 – 106 (411 entries)
(o) Some names of men military service 19th century page 107 (15 entries)
(p) ditto 1914-15 + pages 107 – 108 (83 entries)
(q) The War Memorial page 109 (34 entries)
(r) Vicars/Rectors/ Curates/Organists St. Mary's pages 110 – 111 (110 entries)
(s) People listed in Eastry Workhouse pages 112 – 116 (315 entries)
(t) Trustees of Methodist Chapel 1894-1968 pages 117 (52 entries)
(u) Methodist/Baptist Ministers/Pastors page 117 (5 entries)
(v) The Hearth Tax imposed 1662-abolished 1689 page 118 (32 entries)

*EVN = Eastry Village News

Eastry Residents Records

The pages listed above in the Contents List can be accessed in the attached PDF file