Eastry Collection

The Eastry Collection consists of historical documents and books collected by Mr. Jack Bones (deceased), Wells Farm, Eastry. This was donated by his family to The Sandwich Guildhall Archive March 2017. They can be viewed by appointment only, to ensure that assistance can be given by archive staff.


e-mail: ku.vog.licnuocnwothciwdnas|muesum#ku.vog.licnuocnwothciwdnas|muesum

Madylene Beardmore
Museum and Heritage Manager
Sandwich Town Council
Cattle Market
CT13 9AH

Tel. 01304 617197


Mr. Ray Harlowe (Guildhall Archives), Mr. Douglas Welby and Dr. Charles Coulson (deceased) all helped to catalogue the Jack Bones collection before it was transfred to The Sandwich Guildhall Museum.

Michael Kinns

The Eastry Collection Filing Cabinet Drawer 1

A4 Ring binders or file boxes :
Parish Council of Eastry 1894-1984
LocaI History
Eastry inhabitants file
Eastry Archive (Black folder)
Eastry Archive (Blue folder)
Eastry Village 2005 : Presentation Folder
Documents : Poor Law: Church Warden's Accounts : Tithe Documents
Eastry Five Bells - list of Licensees 1693-1866
Eastry Churchwarden's Accounts 1719-1762- 1782 & 1801
Eastry Bull Inn List of Licensees 1573-1860
Odds and Ends (loose sheets)

The Eastry Collection Filing Cabinet Drawer 2

Folder 1
Burials (Eastry) 1747-1812
Cemetery Grave Numbering Baptisms (Eastry) 1747-1812.
(Supplement to Mr J Bones' copy of Eastry Registers)
Rate Assessment 1862 : Notes of a discussion with Mr Jesse Betts (died 1956)
Burial Register (Eastry) post 1952 (32 pages)

Folder 2
Abstracts of Title :
1900 Moat's Carpenter's Shop, Forge, House etc
1902 Brewery Malthouse, Messuage etc of Owen Clark
1935 Eastry Brewery Wm Roberts exors
1957 Freehold property of Dr Fraser
1968 Old Brewery House (Dr John Rose)
Breweries in Eastry.
Childrens' Homes (Eastry) Staff Lists
Carnival Programmes (Eastry) 1956 & 1957
Home Defence (1984)
Church (Eastry) : List of Gifts. Benefactions & Improvements 1955-1980
Misc. Notes on Marriages, Burials, etc (Single Sheet)

Folder 3
Rentals from neighbours of Eastry Court (various dates)
Rubergh Swyllyng de - List of Tenants
Manor Tenants Lists (Eastry)
Rentals List 1774- Analysed to Districts
Rentals : List of land held Yearly
Rentals at 1774 and 1801
Eastry Court Tenant 1677 (found among Boteler papers)

Folder 4
Order of Service : Vicar of Eastry 1955-1980
Cooper James : Retirement
Cartman Frank James : Induction
Church (Eastry) :
Stained Glass Windows
Screen Plans
Eastry Church 1813 : photo of Print
Church heating
Church Plan : Survey
Church Clock
Vicarage Refurbishment
Eastry Church down the years
Wulfred 1 King: Transcription of legal Agreement made in 811AD
Eastry: Article in Dover Illustrated (1899) Photocopy made from Jean Miller's copy
Dixon Richard: Hanged in 1831 for burning down a barn.
Account of trial from East Kent People Index (Hollingsbee)
Parochial Fees

Folder 5
Geanealogy Files
Atkins, Atree, Arthur, Austin, Aynott, Ayors, Ayling
Bachell, Bailey, Baker, Band, Bargrave, Bax
Family Tree of Elwyn Family

Kent Archive Office Centre for Kentish Studies - 2083 List of Boxes

Folder 6
Genealogy Files : A and B

Folder 7
Genealogy Files: Harvey Family

Folder 8
Eastry Church
Alterations since reformation of seating and services. Notification of attempted suicide.
Photographs of the church.

Folder 9
The Manuscript collection of William Boteler (1745-1818) Volume A: used by W F Shaw "Memorials of Eastry" Other documents concerning Eastry Church & Parish.

Folder 10A
Genealogy Files : Culver -Craske

Folder 10B
Genealogy Files : Danton – Dursan

Folder 11
Genealogy Files: Fammaris- Foord

Folder 12
Genealogy Files : Garlinge – Goldfinch

Folder 13
Genealogy Files : Hall - Hunt

Between Folders:
Photograph of a Map : Great Walton Estate 1675. Original in possession of Col. Unwin of Great Walton given to Jack Bones by Mrs Unwin.
Photocopy of OS map of East Kent 1801 made in October 1964.

Folder 14
Genealogy Files : Ladd – Lyle

Folder 15
Genealogy Files : Matson

Folder 16
Genealogy Files: Macey- Mummery

Folder 17
Eastry Tithe Map 1841: Key in numerical order.

Folder 18
Eastry Manor
Eastry Court

Folder 19
Eastry Wills
Vol 38 p173-182
Vol 39 p77-89
Vol 40 p35-47
Nevinson Family Tree pre 1550-1690

Folder 20
Manuscript: pl-15 Marriages 1559-1837 p16-32 Baptisms 1559-1860 p32-46 Burials 1559-1853
RED BOOK : Transcript of Eastry Baptisms, Burials & Marriages 1559-20th Century

Folder 21
pl-15 Eastry Marriages from 1559-1635
p16 Trustees of Methodist Chapel 1874-1968
p17-22 Eastry Settlement & Removal of Records 1698-1829
p23-26 Ale House Keeper's licences 2-9-1740
p27-28 Hearth Tax - Upper half Hundred – Eastry
p29-33 Eastry 1801 Census
p34-35 Clock records - cleaning & repairing
p36-38 Centre for Kentish Studies - Botelor- maps
p39 Botelor 'C'
p40-42 Provisional list of properties
p43-46 Provisional list of properties

Alphabetical pockets start here

E Ewell, Else, Elvare, Exmewe, Elgar, Irby Family Tree

I Iden, lggleden

J Janyn, Jarman, Jarrett, Jarvest, Jarvis, Jezzard, Joiner, Jordan, Johnson

K Kemp, Kingsford. Kingsland. Kite, Knott, Knowles, Knowler, Kottoms

N Neame, Neaves, Nethersole, Newington, Newport, Nevinson, Nicholls, Nickens,
Norris, Newer,

O Oate, Odley, Oldfield, Oliver, Orme, Orpin, Ovenden, Owre

P Parker, Parson, Patterson, Page, Pain/Payne,Pannell, Pay, Peale, Pearce,
Peed, Pegden, Pemble, Penn, Peny, Peters, Perkin(s),
Pettit, Pettman, Phillis, Philpott, Pierce, Pilcher, Pittock, Pittron, Plum
Plumptre, Pointer, Powman, Press, Prior, Pritchard,
Pollard, Port, Pott, Precious, Pysden, Pysing

Q Quilter-Quested

R Rae, Ralph, Ralli, Rammell, Ranger, Rast, Ratcliff, Ravenscoft, Read,
Redman, Redsull/Redsdale, Reeve, Regis, Revell, Reynolds,
Rigden, Riley, Ripley, Roberts, Roe/Row, Rogers, Rolf, Romney, Ruck,
Russell, Rust, Rye
S Sackett, Saffery, Sampson, Sanderson, Sandwell, Sandys,
Sawkins/Sawkinge, Sayer, Scott, Seagon, Seath, Sedgewick, Seed, Sells,
Setterfield, Sharp,
Shaw, Shaxted, Sheaff, Shearoff, Shelvey, Shoobridge, Shortt, Srubsole,
Sidders, Silver, Simmonds, Simpson, Skapys, Skinner, Sladden, Slaughter,
Smeed, Sneller, Soames, Solly/Solley, Sondes, Southouse, Spain,
Spearpoint, Spicer, Spinner, Spratling/Spractling, Spratt, Springett,
Squire, Stace, Stagg,
Stace/Stacey/Stacie, Standen, Steed, Stokes, Stone, Strangeways,
Stringer, Stroud/Strood, Stuppell, Sturgess, Sutton, Swain/Swayne,
Sweetlove, Swinfen

T Tag, Tapley, Tapsell/Tapsole,Taylor, Tenny, Terry, Tiley, Thomlyn/
Tomlin, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Tickner, Tipper, Tite, Titman,
Tomlin, Tordiffe, Tranter, Tritton,
Tucker, Twigg, Twymann/Twiman, Tylmanstone, Tyser

W Wade, Walraven, Wanstall, Warne, Warren, Washford, Watson, Weeks,
Wellington (Duke of), Wells, West, Whaley, Whatteler,
Whittnall/Wittnal, Wickens, Willey, White, Whitewood/Whitwood,
Whitehead, Whitfield, Whitford, Whittaker, Wickards,
Wickham/Wikham, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wise,
Wollet, Wolwich, Wood, Woodman, Woofruff, Woodward, Woodware,
Wo(o)tton, Worger, Worsfold, Wraight/Wright, Wrake, Wyborn, Wyver

The Eastry Collection Filing Cabinet Drawer 3

Blank paper

1 Eastry Church Folder
Archaeological Finds Folder- John Walton 1993
Metalwork artefacts from Butsole Cemetery
Cross Farm, Lower Street, Eastry- Archaeological Watching Brief 11/1993
(1 photo & 35mm colour negative strip)
The Arts in Early England by Baldwin Brown 1915 (copy)
A Gazetteer of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites by Audrey Meaney (Copy) Eastry in Anglo-Saxon Kent: Its importance, and a newly-found grave by Sonia Chadwick Hawkes (copy)
Crypt beneath the High Altar in Eastry Church.
Letter from SE Rigold to Mr Southam 23-11-1964
Missing Early Medieval Glass Vessels from Eastry. Article by Win Stephens
Letter from Claire Mason pp Brian Latimer to John Walton concerning Eastry Archaeological artefacts and their location.
Includes copies of letters from Shaw and Cobb. 17-06-1993
Letter from John Walton to Claire Mason 24-06-1993

2 Eastry Parish Church Folder
Guide books to Eastry Church - 2007, 1965, 1950, undated · Draft for Guide to Eastry Church 12/1956
Order of Service for Capt John Harvey RN (1740-1794) : 03-06-1956
Thomas Saga Erkibyskups (Magnasson) (St Thomas Beckett)
Pax or Paxbred
Eastry Church Plate
Pictures in Eastry Church
Church Silver
Eastry Church Tower
List of publications
Correspondence relating to Medallion Frescoes and the cleaning thereof
Eastry Church 21-9-1983
Date of Eastry Church
Funeral Escutcheons
Notes on the Church (8 pages) Notes on the Church
Monuments and other Interesting Features
Correspondence on the Sanctus Bell
F J Cooper's notes on Eastry/Church (13 pages)
Festival of Spring Flowers in Eastry Church May 1964 booklet
Royal British Legion Eastry Branch Women's Section Leaflet on Combined Service for
laying-up Old Standard & Dedication of New one 11-05-1975
Guide to Eastry Church (revised) Draft 10-1987
Extract from English Medieval Wall Paintings (Prof Tristram) 12-1983

3 14th Century
Archaeological finds from Eastry: photographs
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 1 edited by Hawkes, Brown & Campbell 1979 (Photo copy)
Genealogy of Kentish Kings
Labels about brooches and other finds (probably from an exhibition)
Copy of parts of Uber Estriae by Rev Shaw with notes
An Anglo-Saxon burial, with Scandinavian square-headed brooch, at Eastry House (38 pages type-written)
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 17 edited by Hamerow with letter from Simon Hawkes to Sister Margaret O'Grady ·
Harris Colonel Sir Thomas Noel KT, KH b09-10-1783 from Updown, Eastry
Photos/Postcard of Eastry and Basham churches
Archaeology in Kent to AD 1500 edited Leach 1982

4 Archaeologica Cantiana & Directories
Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground at Finglesham 22-11-1959 (press cutting)
Halfway House is uncovered at Sandhills (EKM 12-10-1978)
Sangrado's Wood Eastry (letter to Barbara 27-02-1989)
Saxon Mount from Eastry (typed notes 10-1994)
Coat of Arms of the Local Authority (Dover District Council)
Commercial Development of Eastry (07-1997)
Doomsday Book information tabulated etc for Woodnesborough, Hammill, Ringleton, Buckland etc (7page manuscript)
Manuscript notes various based on Arch. Cant. And Trade Directories Letters
Tracing? Tithe Map of area North of Mill Lane. Eastry.
Report on watching brief on 1 Hillcrest Gardens, Lower Street, Eastry. Keith Parfitt. 2010.
St Mary's Church, Eastry, Geo-Phys Survey 24-11-2009

5 Untitled folder
Mays & Sedgwicks (Envelope with letter/photos) List of books with history/archaeological interest Kite File
Walmer Castle engraving 1735
Eastry Parish Council - Major Peacetime Emergencies Outline Co­ Ordination Scheme 12-1988
County of Kent Community Leader's Guide (1980)
Motor Cycle Race Meeting Programme (at Venson Farm, Eastry) 19-06- 1938
Curling File
Eastry Village Sign Competition 2011
Whitbread the Inn behind the signs - David Harper 2005
Eastry Pubs 14-09-2012
Welby- e-mails 2012
Eastry Pubs 13-01-2011

6 Folder
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Eastry Kent : Restoration Report 07/1987 (copy)
List of Gifts, Benefactions & Improvements to the Parish Church from 1955-1980- F J Cooper (Vicar)
Eastry St Mary Parish Records U3/275: Deposited 22-09-1994 (1994/39)
Canterbury Cathedral Archives
Etchings - Miss Rae (photocopies made in 1986)

7 Gray, Jolliffe etc
Manuscript notes taken from various sources:
1 English Field System (Gray)
2 Canterbury Cathedral Priory (Smith)
3 Benedictine contribution to Medieval Agriculture (Smith)
4 Extract from Trinity College Cambridge M/S O 9/26 (1299) (Aoeragia of "x collandi de Eastri")
5 Cartulary & Terrier of Bilsington
6 Eastry Manor- Monkton Charter (Reg CF 1271)
7 Redditus Assise de Eastry (Cant. Cath. Lib. Reg CF 35)
8 Eastry Extent (copy) : Chart. Antiq. E 188
9 Pre-Feudal England -The Jutes (Jollife)
10 Extract of paper on Ringwould (Stebbings)

8 Folder
New Vicar appointed for Eastry 08-1991 (press cutting)
Twelve Sermons by Rev F J Cooper

9 Folder
Eastry Listed Buildings

10 Charities
1837 Inquiry by Charity Commissioners into property left by Richard Thompson's Will
in 1673 for bread for the poor in Eastry
1863 Goddard's Charity
1878 Charity Trustees appointed

11 Flower Festivals
1963-07-11 to 13 Festival of Flowers leaflet
1964-05 Festival of Spring Flowers leaflet
1965-08-21 Festival of Flowers Concert Programme
1968-07-11 to 13 Festival of Flowers leaflet
? 1965 The Festival of Flowers Eastry July 22nd-25th
? 1957 or 1965 A Festival of Flowers at Eastry Church

12 The Churchyard
Burial Board - Rules and Regulations
Scale conversion graph
Memorials of Eastry - copy of page 88 (Dimensions & References to Ground Plan of Church}
Eastry Churchyard (typed+ MS notes} Jack Bones 1977
Earliest Stones 1604-1778 MS
Map of central Eastry (copy from Tithe Map)
Letter & reply Headmaster of Eastry CoE Primary School to Jack Bones re School churchyard project 16-9-1977 ,:··
Research MS into Memorials and burials in Eastry Church & Churchyard (four double foolscap sheets)
The Old Churchyard : typed spreadsheet
Various MS notes

13 Folder
Preliminary Concordance for the four Rentals of Eastry:
1532/1511/1481/1445 -typed transcription
ditto : preliminary MS (four double foolscap sheets}
1511- MS spreadsheet research on Worth (seven double sides foolscap sheets)
Adisham, Heronden, Selson, Wells & Gore: Sarah Campbell's Thesis material in slip folder.
Manor Rentals/Poor Book MS spreadsheet (9 sheets various sizes)
1802-1861 Ms lists concerning Bransford, Birch, Neame, Gayen & Hudson
& Clark (Possibly related to Milling)

14 Folder
Butsole properties
Place Names of Eastry & Worth - 1960

15 Folder
Eastry Church Documents compiled by Jack Bones 1954
Eastry- Records kept in the church safe and in the chest:
Miss Thompson's List 1984-12-17

16 Folder
Rental 1511 Schedule (Attempt to analyse and reconstruct the 1511
Rentals) MS Churchyard

17 Folder
A correct List of the Houses & Inhabitants in the Parish of Eastry 10-03- 1801 MS:
copy: Canterbury Archives (MS Boxes 'Hasted deposit' Ull/6 Ull/7 Ull/8 Ull/9) : include Boteler MS
ditto typed transcript
Eastry Census 1841- areas covered MS list
Eastry Census 1841 transcript of eight pages+ eleven blank sheets
(looks like an incomplete project)

18 Folder: Henry of Eastry
Prior of Christchurch : Henry of Eastry 1285-1331

19 Folder: Eastry Millenium Celebrations 979-1979

20 Folder : Lathe
Anglo-Saxon Lathe (1962) folder
Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978
William Boyd 4th Earl of Kilmarnock 1704-46 (Ancestor of Betty Parker nee Bowers 21-01-1989
Friends of Eastry Hospital (President The Earl of Guilford) 30th AGM 21-04- 1989 + MS notes on meeting
Manor of Eastry: Eastry Court Folder
Eastry Hundred folder (in reused folder labelled Eastry Church Missionary Account)

21 Folder
Notes on Custodia Essexae G F Nichols (PhD 1930) MS copy 20 pages

22 Folder : Poor Law
Eastry HospitaI : Overseers of the Poor after 1721

23 Folder: Village Hall
Eastry Village Hall folder

24 Folder : The Bypass
Eastry Bypass 1985

25 Folder
Eastry Wills : copies of two-part listing of medieval wills(? Arch Cant)
Eastry Wills (continued) by Arthur Hussey) 1927 reprint from Arch Cant vol XXXIX

26 Folder

27 Folder: Mills
Petition to the Dean & Chapter of Christchurch Canterbury from the people of Eastry about the setting up of a windmill. {Copy of original held in Canterbury Cathedral Archive E186a)
Letter from Sandwich 15-04-1665 from Edward Davy to Eastry re windmill.
Letter from Mr May, Court Baron of the Dean & Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral re Eastry Mill and theft of machinery 25-10-1661 : typed copy:
CCA-DCc-ChAnt/E/186b Presentment (copy)
Diary of Thomas Cocks (auditor to the Dean & Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral) page 112 : 24-11-1610 note re Mill MS
W Philip Clark's recollections of locations and fate of Eastry Mills. 9-10- 1990 MS
Millers - MS lists from various sources
Mills & Millers MS list

28 Folder : Farms
Wells Farm folder
Gore Farm folder
Sarah Campbell's Thesis 1982 MS notes

29 Folder: Rental Manor of Eastry 1511
Agriculture folder: Various MS documents
Analysis of the Rental of the Manor of Eastry (Cant Cath Library Reg 33 AD 1511

30 Folder : Eastry Village
King Ethelred's Charter AD 979 in Latin : photo of original+ translation Charter (lost & incomplete) Sawyer 1636 : photo : MS St John 194 f2 Eastry Parish Register 1559-1746/ Poor Law Records
/ Standard Winchester Bushel of the Hundred of Carnillo 1792/ Estate Map of Walton 1622 & Copy 1675 (Typed notes made for an exhibition in Sandwich Guildhall 01-1965)
Tithe Map & Schedule 1841: typed notes History of Eastry- Talk given by Jack Bones in 1975 to Deal, Walmer & District History Society
Eastry 10 pages printed ? source
Eastry : Description of where Eastry is situated after Doomsday Book Eastry: Some notes on its history: 15 pages typed
Transcription of Medieval Document: email from Stephen Freeth to Mr Kinns : Kent Document 1419 in latin + Translation : 08-2013
Aerial photos of Eastry from West and North West
The Village of Eastry by Hannah Dale 2004 : Geography Coursework Eastry Fair: MS notes
Eastry: downloads from the Internet: Eastry Church/Village/War Memorial inscriptions /SS Aethelred & Aethelbert

31 Folder: Eastry Parish Business
Parish Councils Handbook: 1 Constitution & Powers
Parish Councils Handbook: 4 Members, Officers & Meetings
Parish Councils Handbook: 7 The Local Government Act 1948
Parish Council of Eastry: Burial Board Rules, Regulations & Fees
Parish Council of Eastry: Rules for Allotment Gardens
Parish Council of Eastry: Byelaws for Regulation of Recreation Ground
Eastry Parish Council & Eastry Fire Service: Centenary Celebration 1894- 1994 : 24-09-1994

The Eastry Collection Filing Cabinet Drawer 4

Empty folder "Documents & Correspondence relating to Boteler, Boys & Harvey"

Folder containing 2 file cards :The Dover Standard 25-06-1892 Installation of Lord Dufferin as Lord Warden"

Folder : Eastry School
Map: KEC showing site of new Eastry Primary School 29-09-1955
Eastry: Schoolmaster and house 1574 & 1778 (taken from a copy in Magistrates Room in Dover Town Hall.)
Correspondence between Robert Hume & Jack Bones 1978 concerning schooling in Eastry.
Charities of Kent (Education) 1839 MS notes
Eastry Schools. 1 page typed 02-2005
The Schools. 1500-1891. 1 page typed MS notes illnesses, Harvest etc
Some extracts from the school log book 1872-1891 (6-2-1967)
Close Roll (Chancery) 1853 Part 20 No3
Notes on the school 1866 - 1891: 9 pages MS
Extracts from school log book 1869-1884 : MS
Letter from LT James to Jack Bones re 150th Anniversary Commemorative Service 16-01-2003
Maria Bowman's sampler MS notes
Old school site - local anger at sale MS notes 1979

Copy of Agreement in the Woodnesborough Parish Chest 25-05-1751 The boundaries of the Parish of Eastry Perambulated 30-05-1814 (copy made in 1956 by Hilda Revell from the original) MS & typed
Rev Astley Cressener (1664-1746) Typed notes 4-11-1996
List transcribed from church accounts 1807-1834 Beating of the Bounds 6-10-2002 : pamphlet
Beating the Bounds 17-10-2010-typed sheet
Beating the Bounds : Account of 1897 from the Minute Book of EPC
MS notes on back of envelope 1814-1979
MS notes on back of envelope 1897-1979
Beating the Bounds 11-10-1986 typed notes
Beating the Bounds+ words of "All people who on Earth do dwell"
Beating the Bounds by R W Hopper former Clerk to the Parish Council
Beating the Bounds- extracted from R W Hopper's account
Deal Time Ball - Copy of the notice inside the clock chamber- January 1985
Beating the Bounds - Press Cutting "We are guardians of the Earth and everything in it" by Geoffrey Rowell from The Times 27-05-2000

Folder : Village Appraisall
Press Cutting: Council produces potted history of Eastry by Tony Arnold : EKM 5-4-1979
Press Cutting: Chartering course of history by Jack Bones : ? Kent Messenger undated
Eastry : A Village Appraisal - Eastry Parish Council - 26 pages+ covers typed
Eastry Bypass A256 KCC : 1992 leaflet
Correspondence: Letter 1-12-1989 + Eastry Parish Council Minutes 28-11-1989 from Owen Lonie to Jack Bones & 9-1-1990
Press Cutting: Eastry's 1000 years of village life by John Mitchell: Kentish Gazette 27-07-1979
Eastry Village Appraisal 1991 52 pages+ covers printed booklet

Folder: Becket's Caves

Beckets Cave folder
Rumour about tunnels ! ! ! 12-4-1954 MS notes
Beckets, Eastry : Correspondence+ map about the tunnels under Beckets in Eastry between N M Young MA & P Beauchamp 15-10-1972, 18-10-1972 & 13-10-1979
Foord Henry (Land Surveyor) : File card : 1832 Pigot's Directory: Map of Sandwich waterfront etc
Press Cutting: Shedding new light on Eastry's mystery caves by George Goldsmith Carter: EKM 24-03-1994
Press Cutting: No mystery about caves by Dr A Pettet: EKM 7-4 -1994
Press Cutting : Riddle of caves by P Morgan & More evidence by G Goldsmith-Carter : EKM 14- 04-1994
Press Cutting: Tunnel may have link with Becket by Alison Boshoff :EKM 03-03-1994 Press Cutting : Chalk and the Eastry Caves by W P D Stebbing : ?1956 ? source : also two letters about Sandwich
Press Cutting : The caves and caverns of Kent Nol Eastry : 1904 ? paper : copy of original in scrap book
Eastry Caves typed notes by Jack Bones 04-1971 (3 copies) Henry Foord (1801-1872) by Jack Bones 07-1977 (2 copies)
Eastry Caves- Letter to the Editor EKM 03-1994 from Phyllis Morgan
Letter about Eastry Caves by Ian Freeman to Jack Bones 30-06-1997 + draft reply to Mr Freeman 04-07-1997

5 Folder
Eastry : List of Place-Names : typed booklet Little Findall MS note from 1801 census List of places with references Typed List
List of places MS extract from ? Tithe Apportionment

6 Folder : Sundry

7 Folder
Church : Churchwardens' accounts
Mr Betts
Church sundry
Parish Register extracts (Mrs Hollingsby)
Crypt excavation

Population figures : correspondence Dr Alan Baker & Jack Bones1964
Windmills by Philip Clark
Press cutting: County history's majestic march by Philip Howard : 10-11-1970? source (Parish history)
Press cutting: 100 years ago (1878) (Gillow/Gambrill)
Press cutting: Mementoes of 100 year old tragedy (Gillow/Gambrill) : 28-11-1986 Kentish Express
Press cutting : Taking the muddle out of measures by J R Marshall
Press cutting : Dendrochronology
Diseases MS notes
Sickles MS notes
MS misc. notes in pencil
MS notes on historic landmarks relating to Eastry
MS notes on English House architecture
MS notes on House Architecture
Tilmanstone : notes on a vault in the churchyard
Eastry Garden Fete final Account 30-08-1925 W H Clark

8 Folder : Sundry
Eastry in 2095?
Hearth Tax (1662-89)
Will of Avyce Frende 20-04-1550
Will of Richard Frinde sen 08-04-1546
Will of John Wheaton 03-05-1461
Will of Margery Derbe 08-11-1483
Will of Peter Derbe 16-10-1496
Will of William Sutton 09-08-1464
Will of Thomas Elware 05-08-1499
Will of Walter Feyrefax 17-07-1439
Place names beginning with "A"
Place names in Eastry
Barton House Eastry
Bushell Family
Eastry Young People's Club 1954 Report by HM Inspector
Letter to Rev Dicks and Wm Abbott esq 05-07-1809
Eastry Surnames
Pilots of the Cinque Ports 1815 : HM Privy Council annul former bylaws and
implement new ones
Conversation with G V Parker of wartime AFS in Eastry 11-1987
Association against Felons and Thieves 30-03-1812
Misc. pencil MS notes on villages near Eastry, Fire Brigade, local government, etc
Eastry : MS table extracted from 1801 census ?
Transcript of Henry Boteler's Estate 1580 (8 page MS)
Transcript of a letter from SJ Simmons (printer) to William Boteler about changes to a map plate 09-08-1790: 1 page MS
Transcript of a letter from W Boteler to Edward Hasted about Hasted's History 28-07-1792 : 1 page MS
Transcript of a letter from Edward Hasted to William Boteler about a meeting they had earlier that day 11-10-1795: 1 page MS
Transcript of a letter from Edward Hasted to William Boteler about a plate of Eastry Church and other details about Eastry 01-12-1795: 2 pages MS
Supplementary Assessment of Taxes sheet for Eastry of William Boteler on his 3 servants and one Chaise 05-04-1811:original document .
Post Office (in Eastry?) MS table of owners etc. extracted from Tithe Map, Conveyances Directories etc. 1841-1907: 2 pages
Gore: Abstract of Title of a cottage formerly part of Gore Farm 12-04-1965:1889-1960:3 pages MS.
Chemists Shop (in Eastry?) MS notes30-04-19791795-1893.
Gore: Notes on the Deeds of Mr. Bryant's house 1786-1921 02-01-1978: MS notes in pencil
Letter from Jack Bones to Mr. Bryant about Mr. Parkin's visit and the Tithe Map 02-0101977: typed.
Notes on Abstract of Title of Mr. W.H. Clark's piece of land in Mill Lane MS

9 Folder : Sundry
6 references to press reports : Cricket Match KG 1808; Cottage Homes Hospital Belgian wounded DE 1914; Photos DE 1904; Eastry Union Relieving Officer Ad 1847;
House of Industry Notice re Tenders KG 1833; W. Lanes Corps RFA DE 1915 Harvey John Springeett of Dane Court, Tilmanstone : Obituary: KG 1833 : typed transcript Press extracts on Cricket 1826 & Illuminations 1789
Northbourne Lord & Lady 1868-1918 Photograph
Line Drawings of Eastry Church etc.

10 Folder:
Talk for the Mothers' Union 3-11-1964 (Eastry and place names)

11 Folder:
Eastry Parish Magazine 1955-59 : Bound Book Eastry Parish Magazine 1960-62 : Bound Book Eastry Parish Magazine 1963-66 : Bound Book

12 Folder:
Eastry and Tilmanstone Church News Noll : 11-1949 Eastry Parish Magazine : 11-1924
Eastry Parish Council - Annual Parish Meeting 24-05-2006 Eastry Parish Council - Annual Parish Meeting 20-05-2008 Eastry Parish Council -Annual Parish Meeting 27-05-2009 Eastry Parish Council - Annual Parish Meeting 09-03-2011
St Mary's Church, Eastry: Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey: 24-11-2009: photo copy Pilgrim Badges : A4 sheet

13 Folders+ stacked at back of shelf year bundles of Eastry Parish News Eastry Parish News : 1967 -2001 + February 2002