Eastry Baptisms 1747-1812

The Entries in this register were copied by Michael Kinns
from Photocopies of the Eastry Parish Register for the period 1747-1812
provided by Mr.Jack Bones of Wells Farm Eastry
The original documents are now in the Canterbury Cathedral Archives
From 1747 until December 31st 1752 the Julian Calendar was used in the Baptism Register
Each New Year began on 25th March (Lady Day -the Feast of the Annunciation)

On January 1st 1753 the Baptism Register changed to the Gregorian Calendar

1747 May-03 Ruth, daughter of William and Ruth Farrier
Julian Jun-29 George, son of Thomas and Sarah Pettman
Calendar Jul-12 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Cook
Jul-19 Zaphnath Paancah, son of Willliam and Mary Drayson
Aug-02 John, son of William and Anne Piddock
Aug-23 Thomas, son of John and Mary Abbot
Sep-06 Marth, daughter of Elias and Mary Barton
Oct-13 Mary, daughter of William and Margaret Hogben
Nov-15 Richard, son of William and Eleanor Cock
Dec-26 Frances, daughter of Isaaac and Mary Thomas
Jan-25 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Margaret Weston
Feb-02 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Woodruff
Feb-07 Anne, daughter of William and Sarah Keasly
Feb-28 Anne, daughter of John and Anne Pott
Feb-28 Mary, daughter of William and Anne Drayson
Mar-01 Alice and Mary, daughters of Richard and Eliza Fagg
Mar-06 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Austen
Mar-20 James , son of James and Mary Cock
Mar-20 John, son of William and Anne Piddock
1748 Apr-06 Rebecaa, daughter of ? And Mary Buddle
Julian May-31 William, son of John and Susanna Terry
Calendar Jun-05 Elizabeth, daughter of Lawrence and Elizabeth Sells
Jun-19 Anne, daughter of William and Mary Long
Jun-29 Robert, son of William and Elizabeth Aynott
Aug-07 Mary., daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Rammel
Oct-09 William, son of Lawrence and Ellen Marsh
Oct-10 Mary, daughter of James and Anne Prickus
Oct-11 Mary, daughter of Richard and Mary Johnson
Dec-11 Anna-Maria, daughter of Mr. Richard and Ann Boteler
Dec-18 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Mary Nethersole
Dec-26 Thomas, son of Edward and Anne Keble
Dec-27 Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Prett
Jan-22 Jane and Sarah, daughters of John and Ann Matthews
Jan-22 Margaret, daughter of William and Doreas Baily
Jan-25 Edward, son of Thomas and Sarah Petman
Jan-25 Sarah, daughter of William and Margaret Hogben
Jan-29 William, son of Richard and Jane Wellard
Feb-08 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Massey
Feb-12 John, son of Thomas and Mary Lilly?
1749 Mar-26 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann Browning
Julian Apr-25 Richard, son of John and Mary Woodruff
Calendar May-04 Elizabeth, daughter of George and Mary Sayer
Jun-04 Amy, daughter of John and Mary Cook
Aug-27 Thomas, son of Thomas and Martha Keble
Sep-17 Mary, daughter of John and Ann Pott
Oct-06 Ingram, son of William and Ann Piddock
Oct-08 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Martha Dowell
Oct-15 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Fassom?
Oct-29 William, son of William and Ann Piddock
Nov-19 Sarah, daughter of William and Elizabeth Aynott
Nov-30 Philadelphia, daughter of John and Margaret Weston
Dec-26 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Drayson
Jan-21 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Anne Wellard
Feb-25 Ann, daughter of Elizabeth Vent
1750 Apr-22 Ann, daughter of John and Sarah Bird
Julian May-13 John, son of Richard and Mary Johnson
Calendar Jun-09 John, son of Isaac and Mary Thomas
Jun-17 Lydia, daughter of Jervis and Ann Dad
Jun-29 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Morris
Aug-19 Isaac, son of Wiliam and Dorcas Baily
Nov-18 James, son of William and Mary Cock
Dec-19 Mary, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Fagg
Jan-06 Susannah, daughter of Isaac and Susannah Baily
Feb-08 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Boteler
Feb-20 James, son of William and Ann Piddock
Feb-27 Robert, son of Thomas and Sarah Petman
Mar-17 John, son of John and Susannah Terry
Mar-24 Susannah, daughter of James and Mary Cassel
Mar-24 Jane, daughter of Noah and Mary Wood
1751 Mar-29 Valentine, son of George and Mary Sayer
Julian May-09 Sarah, daughter of Nicholas and Mary Goodban
Calendar May-27 John, son of William and Margaret Hogben
Jun-09 Richard, son of William and Elizabeth Mote
Jun-14 Ann, daughter of Edward and Ann Kebble
Jul-12 Susan, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Rammell
Aug-02 Henry, son of John and Mary Parker
Aug-04 Martha, daughter of John and Martha Dewell
Aug-18 Richard, son of Thomas and Martha Keble
Oct-20 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ann Drayson
Oct-27 Richard, son of Thomas and Mary Morris
Nov-24 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Lilly
Jan-06 Andrew, son of William and Mary Long
Jan-30 Catherine, daughter of John and Margaret Weston
Feb-02 Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Fassom
Mar-04 Mary, daughterof Thomas and Sarah Petman
Mar-22 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Ann Arnell
1752 Mar-26 Richard, son of George and Mary Sayer
Julian Mar-29 John, son of William and Mary Cock
Calendar Apr-12 Joseph, son of Joseph and Ann Smith
Apr-19 Susan, daughter of Richard and Sarah Mote
May-01 Alice, daughter of John and Alice Ancel
May-10 John, son of Richard and Elizabeth Prett
Jun-24 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ann Piddock
Jul-26 William, son of Thomas and Elizaabeth Cook
Aug-02 Benjamin, son of John and Susan travellers Cassel
Aug-23 James, son of David and Elizabeth Dad
Oct-08 Abraham, son of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Oct-16 Samuel, son of William and Ruth Farrier born 1749
Oct-22 Samuel, son of William and Ann Piddock
Oct-29 Thomas, son of James and Elizabeth Hudson
Dec-10 Richard, son of Richard and Mary Johnson
Dec-26 Sarah, daughter of William and Dorcas Belcy
SIGNED BY: Samuel Fenner Warren, Curate ,
1753 Jan-07 John, son of John and Mary Parker
Gregorian Jan-21 Ann, daughter of Isaac and Mary Thomas
Calendar Feb-11 Elizabeth, daughter of Noah and Mary Wood
Feb-11 Sarah, daughter of William and Mary travellers Botteley
Mar-25 Ann, daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Hall
Jun-03 Richard, son of Richard and Jane Wellard
Jul-22 Stephen, son of John and Martha Dewell
Jul-25 William, son of Thomas and sarah Petman
Aug-17 George, son of George and Mary Sayer
Sep-14 Mary, daughter of Willaim and Judith Chalcraft
Sep-21 Edward, son of Thomas and Martha Keble
Nov-25 Susannah, daughter of John and Mary Elger
Dec-09 John, son of John and Alice Ancell
Dec-16 Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Susan Belsey
Dec-28 Elender, daughter of William and Mary Cock
1754 Jan-13 Thomas, son of James and Mary Cassell
Gregorian Jan-20 Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Drayson
Calendar Mar-06 Mary, , daughter of Thomas and Ann Spain
Mar-10 Joseph, son of John and Mary Pitcher
Mar-24 John, son of Thomas nad Elizabeth Phassom
Apr-01 Elizabeth, Daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Fagg
Apr-07 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Mary Goodban
Apr-16 John Abel, son of John and Margaret Weston
Jun-03 John, son of Thomas and Mary Morris
Jun-03 John, son of Thomas and Ann Browning
Jun-04 James, son of James and Elizabeth Hudson
Jun-09 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Stevens
Jun-23 Edward, son of William and Elizabeth Newen
Jun-22 William, son of William ans Susan Furden
Jul-07 Charity, dr. of Richard and Charity travellers Wright
Aug-25 John, son of Richard and Sarah Mote
Aug-28 Terry, son of George and Mary Sayer
Sep-01 Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Massey
Sep-15 Ann, daughter of John and Susannah Terry
Dec-22 Thomas, son of John and Mary Elger
Dec-25 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Rammell
1755 Feb-09 William, son of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Mar-14 James, son of Julian and Jude Taylor
Mar-21 Ralph, son of William and Ann Pittock
Apr-27 William, son of John and Mary Parker
May-25 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Mary Lilly
Jun-22 John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
Jul-06 Elizabeth, daughter of David and Elizabeth Dadd
Aug-17 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Morris
Aug-24 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Pittock
Aug-31 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hudson
Oct-28 Elizabeth, daughter of Simon and Elizabeth Beer
Nov-02 Mary, daughter of William and Dorcas Belcy
Nov-02 Ann, daughter of John and Mary Elger
Nov-18 Thomas, son of Christopher and Elizabeth Hall
Nov-23 Ann, daughter of David and Elizabeth Lawrence
1756 Jan-06 Thomas, son of Isaac and Mary Thomas
Jan-25 Ann, daughter of John and Martha Dewell
Feb-02 William, son of Mary A Bastard Child West
Feb-06 Henry Waller, son of Ann A Bastard Child Wix
Mar-03 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Martha Keble
Mar-07 Richard, son of John and Alice Ancell
Apr-09 Ann, daughter of Job and Ann Tipper
Jun-13 John, son of Noah and Mary Wood
Jun-20 John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
Jun-24 John, son of John and Mary Stephens
Jun-27 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Drayson
Jul-22 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ellen Cock
Jul-25 Jane, daughter of William and Jane Dilnott
Sep-12 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Margaret Hogben
Nov-21 Richard, son of Richard and Sarah Mote
Dec-19 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Philliss
1757 Jan-02 Mary, daughter of William and Mary Cock
Jan-30 James, son of James and Elizabeth Hudson
Mar-13 David, son of David and Elizabeth Lawrence
Mar-27 John, son of John and Mary Elgar
Apr-12 Isaac, son of Isaac and Susanna Belcy
Apr-17 William, son of John and Mary Danton
Jun-12 John, son of Joseph and Ann Smith
Jun-19 Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Jul-17 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Piddock
Aug-20 William, son of George and Mary Hancock
Sep-04 William, son of James and Mary Cassell
Sep-04 Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham and Mary Long
Oct-23 Stephen, son of Nicholas and Mary Goodban
Nov-20 John, son of William and Dorcas Belcy
1758 Jan-08 Rejoyce, daughter of Willaim and Jane Dilnott
Jan-29 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Cock
Feb-12 Elizabeth, daughter of David and Elizabeth Lawrence
Feb-19 Ann, daughter of John and Ann Pitcher
Apr-09 William, son of William and Sarah Curling
Apr-23 William, son of John and Mary Stephens
Apr-23 Mary, daughter of David and Elizabeth Dad
Jul-23 Thomas, son of Noah and Mary Wood
Aug-24 Richard Maud, son of Richard and Catherine Harvey
Oct-21 Edward and Mary, son and daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
Dec-03 Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Abbott
Dec-17 Sarah, daughter of Edward and Sarah Mockett
Dec-24 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Phillis
1759 Jan-14 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Bushell
Jan-21 Ann, daughter of James and Elizabeth Hayson
Jan-25 Ann, daughter of Mary a bastard child Morris
Feb-25 John, son of William and Elizabeth Cock
Apr-13 Thomas, son of John and Mary Elgar
Apr-29 William, son Henry and Elizabeth Pain
May-20 Ann, daughter of James and Elizabeth Bartlet
Jul-01 Mary Waller, daughter of Ann a bastard Weeks
Jul-29 Jane, daughter of William and Ann Piddock
Sep-16 Mary, daughter of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Oct-04 Thomas, son of John and Mary Kite
Oct-14 Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Piddock
Nov-03 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Catherine Harvey
Nov-18 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Morris
Dec-16 Thomas, son of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
Dec-26 Mary, daughter of Isaac and Mary Thomas
1760 Feb-10 James, son of William and Mary (travellers) Wilkington
Apr-13 Thomas, son of William and Elizabeth Cock
May-18 Mary Ann , daughter of John a bastard child Cornelius
May-26 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Mary Fassom
May-27 Thomas, son of Simon and Elizabeth Beer
Jun-08 George, son of Isaac and Susanna Belsey
Jun-08 Sarah, daughter of David and Elizabeth Laurance
Jun-22 Richard, son of John and Mary Stephens
Jul-27 Mary, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Pain
Aug-01 Edward Bunce, son of Edward and Ann Kebble
Aug-03 Robert, son of William and Dorcas Belsey
Aug-24 Margaret, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Beley
Sep-28 Francis, son of Noah and Mary Wood
Oct-26 Sarah, daughter of William and Jane Dilnott
Nov-16 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah Mote
Dec-26 Mary, daughter of James and Mary Cassel
1761 Jan-06 John, son of Thomas and Mary Kite
Jan-25 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Elgar
Feb-27 William, son of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
Mar-08 Henry and James, sons of John and Alice Ansell
Apr-26 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Phyllis
May-03 Ann, daughter of William and John Bushel
Jun-14 Thomas, son of William and Ann Fordved?
Jun-28 Michael, son of William and Elizabeth Cock
Jul-05 John, son of Richard and Mary Horvis
Aug-21 Thomas, son of Thomas and Sarah Petman
Aug-23 Mary, daughter of William and Sarah Curling
Sep-04 William, son of David and Elizabeth Dad
Oct-18 Michael, son of John and Mary Stephens
Dec-28 Edward, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
1762 Jan-06 Sarah, daughter of Elizabeth a bastard Sutton
Feb-14 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Bean
Mar-07 John, son of James and Hester Harvey
Mar-14 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Nervin
Apr-12 Mary, daughter of George and Mary Hancock
May-16 Mary, daughter of David and Elizabeth Laurance
May-23 Henry , son of Henry and Elizabeth Spain
May-30 Michael, son of Nicholas and Mary Goodban
Jun-27 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Piddock
Jul-18 Mary, daughter of Noah and Mary Wood
Aug-01 William, son Isaac and Mary Thomas
Aug-15 William, son of James and Elizabeth Hudson
Aug-15 Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Saraah Belcy
Sep-12 John, son of Elizabeth a bastard Church
Oct-17 Mary, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
Nov-07 Laurence, son of William and Elizabeth Cock
1763 Feb-06 Richard, son of John and Mary Elgar
May-15 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Mary Fassom
Jun-19 James, son of James and Hester Harvey
Aug-07 Elizabeth, daughter of George and Mary Hancock
Aug-14 John, son of John and Susanna Simmons
Aug-28 Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Bushel
Nov-12 Gibbs, son of Ann a bastard Helley
Dec-12 Michael, son of Michael and Mary Cock
1764 Jan-15 James, son of James and Mary Castle
Jan-15 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Phillis
Jan-22 Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Curling
Feb-05 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Spearpoint
Feb-05 John, son of Laurance and Mary Fells
Mar-05 William, son of Isaac and Susanna Belcy
Mar-18 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Anna Hole
Apr-15 Thomas, son of David and Elizabeth Laurance
Apr-29 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
Apr-29 Sarah, daughter David and Elizabeth Dad
May-06 James, son of Henry and Elizabeth Spain
May-19 Thomas, son of Henry and Ann Bushell
May-23 Frances Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Catherine Harvey
May-27 William, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
Jun-17 David, son of Noah and Mary Wood
Sep-02 Mary, daughter of William and Elizabeth Cock
Sep-16 John, son Joseph and Ann Hart
Oct-14 John, son of Richard and Margaret Burton
Oct-14 Elizabeth, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Nov-29 Sarah Susanna, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Pettman
Dec-09 Elizabeth, daughter of James and Hester Harvey
1765 Mar-15 Thomas, son of William and Ann Piddock
Apr-08 Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Mary Thomas
Apr-14 John, son of Abraham and Mary Mummery
May-27 Mary, daughter of Ann a bastard Mount
Jun-02 John, son of Thomas and Mary Fassom
Jun-02 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Elgar
Jun-09 John, son of John and Ann Janton
Jul-11 Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas and Mary Goodban
Aug-25 Henry, son of William and Ann Bushell
Sep-15 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Moat
Sep-29 John, son of William and Ann Pritchus
Oct-06 William, son of William and Elizabeth Goldfinch
Oct-13 Anna, daughter of George and Mary Hancock
Oct-18 John, son of Simon and Elizabeth Beer
Nov-03 Susanna, daughter of Andrew and Susanna Spain
Nov-03 Martha, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Dec-01 Henry, son of Henry and Ann Bushell
Dec-26 John, son of Joshua and Jane Redman
1766 Feb-16 Thomas, son of Michael and Mary Cock
Mar-23 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah Curling
Apr-06 Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Mary Fells
Apr-13 Laurance, son of Laurance and Mary Fells
May-04 John, son of Henry and Elizabeth Pain
May-08 Sarah, daughter of John and Susan Clark
May-15 Richard, son of Richard and Catherine Harvey
Jun-24 John, son of Mary a bastard Marsh
Jul-20 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
Aug-01 Susanna, daughter of John and Elizabeth Matson
Aug-10 Thomas, son of Sarah a bastard Phillis
Sep-14 Joseph, son of Isaac and Susan Belcy
Oct-05 Ann daughter of David and Elizabeth Laurance
Oct-05 Ann, daughter of John and Catherine Nervin
Oct- 26 Rieeks? son of William and Elizabeth Cock
Nov-30 Stephen, son of John and Mary Elgar
Dec-21 Mary, daughter of Willliam and Ann Hoyle
Dec-26 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Williamson
1767 Jan-23 William, son of Noah and Mary Wood
Jan-25 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Pritchus
Feb-02 John, son of James and Mary Cassel
Feb-13 William, son of Thomas and Sarah Petman
Feb-22 Ann, daughter of John and Ann Winter
Feb-22 Richard, son of James and Hester Harvey
Mar-08 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Phillis
Mar-15 Mary, daughter of William and Jane Dilnott
Apr-20 Joshua, son of Joshua and Jane Redman
May-28 Ann, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
May-31 Sarah, daughter of Martin and Ann Harris?
Jun-28 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Fassom
Jul-05 Thomas, son of Edward and Ann Sayer
Aug-02 Sarah, daughter of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Oct-08 Robert, son of John and Elizabeth Matson
Oct-11 Mary, daughter of Laurance and Mary Fells
Oct-25 Sarah, daughter of William and Elizabeth Moat
Nov-19 William Boteler, son William and Sarah Kelley
Nov-21 Richard, son of William and Ann Piddock
Dec-06 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Pain
Dec-13 Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Ann Kemp
1768 Jan-06 Elizabeth, daughter of Samuael and Joyce Fells
Jan-10 Susan, daughter of Thomas and Susan Marsh
Jan-10 Ann, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Hogbin
Mar-16 Mary, daughter of Joseph and Ann Hart
Mar-18 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Petman
Mar-20 Mary Ann, daughter of Henry and Ann Bushel
Mar-20 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Elgar
Mar-27 Sarah, daughter of a bastard Farmer
Apr-04 Stephen, son of Stephen and Ann Hart
Jun-26 Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Helton
Jul-03 Thomas, son of William and Elizabeth Goldfinch
Jul-31 Robert, son of William and Sarah Curling
Sep-16 Ann Maud, daughter of Richard and Catherine Harvey
Oct-16 William, son of John and Ann Janton?
Oct-30 William, son David and Elizabeth Laurance
Oct-30 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Fin
1769 Jan-15 William, son of William and Ann Pritchus
Jan-15 Thomas, son of James and Hester Harvey
Jan-15 Jane, daughter of Michael and Mary Cock
Feb-02 George, son of John and Mary Reynolds
Feb-26 Thomas, son of William and Ann Hoyle
Mar-03 John, son John and Elizabeth Matson
Apr-02 Henry, son of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
Apr-18 Elizabeth, daughter of James and Sarah Beer
Jun-15 Elizabeth Catharine, daughter of Richd and Eliz. Holden
Jul-02 Judith, daughter of Martin and Ann Harris
Jul-23 John and Thomas, sons of Thomas and Sarah Phillis
Jul-23 Ann, daughter of Noah and Mary Wood
Jul-25 Robert, son of John and Mary Stephens
Jul-30 John, son of Edward and Ann Sayer
Jul-30 Robert, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Spain
Aug-20 Henry, son of Henry and Hannah Hole
Aug-20 Ann, daughter of William and Elizabeth Long
Sep-10 William, son of William and Mary Drayson
Sep-29 Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Pettman
Oct-29 George, son of William and Ann Piddock
Nov-19 William, son of William and Elizabeth Brown
Dec-27 Charles, son of Laurance and Mary Fells
Dec-28 Hannah, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Spain
1770 Jan-20 Thomas, son of Joshua and Jane Redman
Jan-21 John, son of John and Catherine Pritchus
Jan-21 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Smith
Feb-02 Richard, son of Richard and Sarah Fagg
Feb-02 Joseph, son of Joseph and Ann Hart
Feb-18 Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Susan Belcy
Mar-11 Thomas, son of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Mar-14 William, son of William and Elizabeth Moat
Mar-21 Sarah Maria, daughter of William and Sarah Kelley
Apr-04 Jesse, son Thomas and Mary Fassom
Apr-08 Robert, son of James and Hester Harvey
Apr-18 Samuel, son of Samuel and Joyce Fells
May-06 Elizabeth, daughter of Jane a bastard Wood
Jun-10 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Fin
Jun-17 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Ann Bushel
Jun-29 John, son of John and Mary Bing
Sep-23 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Susan Fassom
Oct-14 William, son of William and Sophia Hawkins?
Nov-01 Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Vigeon
Nov-18 Ann, daughter of William and Sarah Curling
Nov-25 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Hogbin
Dec-09 John, son of Stephen and Ann Hart
Dec-09 Stephen , son of Edward and Elizabeth Kelton
Dec-23 Ann, daughter of Richard and Sarah Moat
1771 Jan-19 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Sarah Fagg
Jan-24 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Matson
Mar-03 Thomas, son of William and Ann Pritchus
Mar-27 John, son of Henry and Elizabeth Marsh
Apr-21 John, son of Daniel and Ann Kemp
May-19 Jane, daughter of Sarah a bastard Belcy
Jul-11 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Reynolds
Jul-16 William, son of William and Mary Stewart
Jul-21 Henry, son of William and mary Drayson
Aug-29 John, son of William and Elizabeth Terry
Sep-22 Wellard, son of Samuel and Mary Eastace?
Sep-22 Anne, daughter of William and Anne Hoyle
Sep-22 Sarah, daughter of John and Catherine Pritchus
Oct-06 John, son of John and Mary Fin
Oct-13 John, son of John and Jane Kingsland
Oct-27 Sarah, daughter ofRichard and Elizabeth Holden
Nov-10 Elizabeth, daughter of Susan Clark
1772 Jan-01 Mary, daughter of James and Hester Harvey
Jan-26 Thomas, son of William and Elizabeth Brown
Feb-23 Richard, son of William and Anne Smith
Apr-12 Mary, daughter of William and Mary Palmer
Apr-16 Edward, son of John and Elizabeth Matson
Apr-18 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah Kelley
May-03 Susan, daughter of Joseph and Ann Hart
Jul-19 James, son of John and Mary Fillis (Phillis?)
Jul-19 James, son of James and Ann Bartlett
Aug-13 George, son of William and Mary Byng (Bing?)
Oct-18 Henry, son of William and Sophy Hawkins
Oct-25 Charlotte, daughter of John and Mary Finn
Nov-29 John, son of Henry and Hannah Hole
Dec-19 Richard, son of Richard and Susan Fassom
1773 Jan-03 Richard, son of Stephen and Ann Hart
Feb-07 Ann, daughter of Richard and Edroose ? Hobday
Feb-07 Sarah,daughter of Elizabeth & Henry (deceased) Marsh
Feb-21 Richard, son of Ricahrd and Elizabeth Hogben
Feb-21 Susan, daughter of David and Elizabeth Laurence
Apr-18 Sarah,daughter of Elizabeth baseborn Lilley
Apr-18 William, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Turner
Apr-25 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Pritchus
May-02 Thomas, son of William and Mary Stewart
May-30 John, son of John and Margaret Danton
Jun-24 John, son of William and Ann Bushell
Jun-29 Robert, son of Robert and Mary Wastall
Jul-04 Thomas, son of Dennis baseborn Gambrell
Aug-01 Ann, daughter of John and Catherine Pritchus
Aug-01 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary Palmer
Aug-08 Sarah, daughter of Sarah baseborn Belcy
Aug-29 Ann, daughter of Batholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Aug-29 Ann, daughter of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Sep-05 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris
Sep-12 Henry, son of John and Elizabeth Mochett
Oct-31 Daniel, son of William and Sarah Kelley
Nov-21 Henry, son of William and Elizabeth Brown
Nov-28 Susanna, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Holden
Dec-05 William, son of William and Elizabeth Long
Dec-12 Edward, son of John and Jane Kingsland
Dec-19 Ann, daughter of Daniel and Jane Kemp
1774 Jan-09 Thomas, son of Susan Curd
Jan-16 Christopher, son of William and Mary Drayson
Jan-25 Philip, son of Thomas and Mary Petman
Jan-28 William, son of John and Mary Reynolds
Feb-08 Sarah, daughter of John and Elizabeth Matson
Mar-13 Esther, daughter of James and Esther Harvey
Apr-24 Susan, daughter of James and Ann Bartlet
May-08 Isaac, son of Thomas and Mary Fassom
May-24 Pims, daughter of Thamas and Mary travellers Griffin
Jun-19 Stephen, son of John and Mary Finn
Jul-10 Daniel Drayson, son of Mary X Japsol?
Aug-07 Thomas, son of Moses and Ann Wells
Sep-11 Sarah, daughter of Henry and sarah Atkins
Sep-21 Elizabeth, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Sep-25 Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Mary Silver
Sep-29 Charles, son of William and Mary Byng
Nov-21 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Bushell
Dec-04 William, son of William and Sarah Boteler born and died same day Dec-04
1775 Jan-15 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris born Innoc.Dy 1774
Feb-12 Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah Terry born Jan-30
Mar-12 Dorcas, daughter of George and Jane Belcy
Mar-25 Thomas, son of Richard and Susannah Fassom born Mar-02
Apr-09 William, son of Elizabeth baseborn Curd
Apr-30 Rebecca, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Phillis born Apr-16
Jun-06 Ann, daughter of Joseph and Ann Hart
Jun-18 Ann, daughter of William and Sophia Hawkins born Jun-06
Jul-16 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Hart
Jul-23 James, son of John and Jane Pritchard
Aug-31 John, son of Robert and Mary Wastall
Sep-10 John, son of John and Elizabeth Marsh
Sep-10 Thomas, son of John and Mary Finn
Oct-01 Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and Sarah Cornwell
Oct-15 Susan, daughter of Abraham and Mary Mummery
Oct-22 Ann, daughter of John and Ann Piddock
Oct-22 George, son of William and Susan Belsey
Nov-05 William, son of William and Sarah, his wife Boteler|then born 5 & Priv. Bap &30th Pub.
Nov-26 Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Pritchards born Nov-14
Dec-01 Thomas, son of William and Sarah Kelly born Nov-25
Dec-10 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Spain
Dec-19 Jane, daughter of William and Mary Drayson
1776 Jan-28 Thomas, son of John and Margaret Spinner
Feb-04 William , son of James and Esther Harvey
Feb-25 George, son of Richard and Edith Hobday
Apr-07 Henry, son of Henery and Sarah Atkins
Apr-09 Richard, son of William and Ann Bushell
Apr-14 Richard, son of William and Elizabeth Brown
Apr-21 William , son of William and Sarah Fagg
Apr-28 Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary Silver
May-07 Ann, daughter of John and Elizabeth Solley
May-12 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Terry
Jun-04 John, son of James (Curate) and Mary Atkins born May-17
Jun-23 Ann, daughter of Stephen and Ann Hart
Jul-07 Frances, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hoyle
Jul-28 Mary, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soames
Aug-11 Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris
Oct-13 Thomas, son of John and Mary Finn
Oct-20 Zaphnath Paaneah, son of Mary Tapsole baseborn Drayson
Oct-25 Sarah, daughter of Batholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Nov-10 Edward, son of John and Susan White
Nov-17 William, son of Daniel and Jane Kemp
Dec-15 Richard Edward, son of Richard and Elizabeth Holden
Dec-15 Ann, daughter of Henry and Margaret Brown
1777 Jan-06 Richard, son of Richard and Susan Dixon
Jan-10 William Fuller, son of William and Sarah Boteler born Jan-05
Jan-22 John, son of John and Ann Pittock
Feb-09 Mary, daughter of William and Susan Belsey
Feb-26 William, son of Peter and Sarah Cornwell
Mar-09 William, son of William and Mary Hammond
Mar-16 Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Ann Hart
Jun-08 Daniel, son of William and Ann Pritchard
Jun-08 Edward, son of John and Sarah Terry
Jul-06 John, son of George and Sarah Spain
Jul-20 Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Ann Belsey
Jul-27 Edward, son of Robert and Mary Wastall
Aug-03 John, son of Reakes and Mary Kingsford
Aug-10 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Spain
Sep-19 Ann, daughter of John and Mary Hogben
Sep-28 Mary, daughter of Henry and sarah Atkins
Sep-28 Susan, daughter of John and Susanna White
Oct-05 Richard, son of Josiah and Mary Dunn
Oct-05 Frances, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Fillis
Nov-02 William, son of Richard and Susanna Fassom
Nov-23 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Sarah Wanstall
Nov-23 Richard, son of John and Mary Finn
Nov-30 Charlotte, daughter of Thomas and Martha Keble
Dec-21 William, son of William and Sarah Mummery
Dec-21 George, son of James and Ann Bartlet
1778 Jan-04 Massy, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris
Feb-08 Ann, daughter of Josiah and Mary Silver
Feb-08 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Wix
Feb-08 Elizabeth, daughter of Mary Mummary
Feb 8 Sarah, daughter of Mary Mummary
Mar-13 Gabriel , son of William and Mary Drayson
Mar-29 James, son of Peter and Sarah Cornwell
May-28 Edward, son of Richard and Edith Hobdy
Jun-24 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Pittock
Jul-01 Edward, son of William and Elizabeth Brown
Aug-09 Ann, daughter of George and Jane Belsey
Aug-16 Sarah, daughter of Raikes and Mary Kingsford
Aug-23 Hannah, daughter of William and Sophia Hawkins
Sep-15 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah Kelly
Oct-28 Thomas Harman, son of Thomas and Ann Keble
Nov-01 Richard, son of Richard and Hester Moate
Nov-15 William, son of Isaac and Ann Belsey
Nov-21 Ann, daughter of Richard and Sarah Wanstall
Nov-22 John, son of John and Sarah Terry
Dec-13 Ann, daughter of Josiah and Mary Nunn
Dec-20 Catherine, daughter of John and Susannah White
1779 Jan-24 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Hobdy
Feb-26 Harriet, daughter of Thomas and Martha Keble
Mar-14 John, son of Sarah Lawrence
Mar-14 Mary, daughter of William and Mary Hammond
Mar-21 John, son of William and Susanna Belsey
Apr-02 George, son of William and Ann Hancock
May-16 Ann, daughter of John and Mary Finn
May-23 Lawrence Baker, son of Richard and Elizabeth Holden
Jun-11 Thomas, son of Thomas and Ann Fells
Jun-20 Richard, son of Richard and Sarah Soames
Jun-20 Bartholomew, son of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Jun-24 Stephen, son of Robert and Mary Wastall
Jul-04 Sarah, daughter of John and Elizabeth Moate
Jul-04 William, son of Henry and Sarah Atkins
Jul-11 Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Mummery
Jul-27 Thomas, son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth Nisbett
Aug-01 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Sarah Fagg
Aug-22 Edmund, son of John and Mary Spain
Aug-29 Richard, son of Robert and Jane Friend
Aug-29 Ann, daughter of Reakes and Mary Kingsford
Sep-12 Jane, daughter of Stephen and Ann Hart
Sep-26 Sarah, daughter of John and Elizabeth Marsh
Oct-31 Sarah, daughter of Bean and Elizabeth Halton
Nov-07 Hannah, daughter of Josiah and Ann Hart
Nov-14 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Russel
Dec-12 William, son of Richard and Susannah Dixon
Dec-12 William , son of Richard and Jane Marbrook
Dec-26 Ann Medgett, daughter of John and Sarah Terry
1780 Jan-01 Hannah, daughter of William and Ann Pritchard
Jan-06 John, son of Thomas and Ann Keble
Jan-09 John, son of John and Susannah Friend
Jan-16 Elijah, son of Richard and Kezia Elgar
Feb-06 Edward, son of John and Susanna` White
Mar-12 John, son of Isaac and Ann Belsey
Mar-27 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Esther Moate
May-01 Thomas, son of Thomas and Ann Fells
May-07 Edward Bunce, son of Thomas and Martha Keble
May-07 Mary , daughter of Richard and Sarah Wanstall
Jun-11 Thomas, son of Michael and Sarah Whitewood
Jun-11 William, son of Thomas and Sarah Fillis
Jun-18 Mary , daughter of Mary Nash
Jun-25 Sophia, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Holden
Jul-09 James, son of Josiah and Mary Dunn
Jul-23 Edward , son of Margaret Ratley
Aug-17 Susanna, daughter of Nehemiah and Elizabeth Nisbett
Aug-20 Jane, daughter of George and Jane Belsey
Sep-05 William, son of Robert and Mary Wastall
Sep-24 James, son of Edward and Susanna Lawrence
Oct-01 Elizabeth, daughter of Josiah and Mary Silver
Oct-22 Stephen, son of William and Elizabeth Goldfinch
Nov-19 Thomas, son of William and Sophia Hawkins
Nov-19 Mark. son of William and Mary Hammond
1781 Jan-07 John, son of John and Mary Finn
Jan-14 Jane, daughter of Daniel and Jane Kemp
Jan-21 Edmund, son of John and Mary Spain
Jan-28 John, son of John and Elizabeth Marsh
Feb-18 William , son of William and Ann Hancock
Feb-18 John, son of James and Hester Harvey
Mar-11 Mary Hammond,daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Morris
Mar-11 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
Apr-29 John, son of Henry and Sarah Atkins
May-13 Mary Branford, daughter of Ann Drayson
May-20 William, son of Richard and Sarah Soames
Jun-10 James, son of William and Ann Pritchard
Jul-01 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Cleveland
Jul-15 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann Fells
Jul-22 Henry, son of John and Susannah Clayson?
Aug-19 William, son of Raikes and Mary Kingsford
Aug-19 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Long
Sep-02 Josiah, son of William and Susanna Belsey
Sep-07 Ann Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann Keble
Sep-09 Mary, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Nov-05 Mary, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Russell
Nov-08 William Manger , son of James and Joice Fells
Nov-18 Ann, daughter of John and Susanna Friend
Nov-25 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Moate
Nov-25 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah Mummery
Dec-02 Thomas, son of John and Susanna White
Dec-16 Jeremiah, son of Josiah and Mary Dunn
1782 Jan-06 Robert, son of John and Margaret Spinner
Jan-06 John, son of John and Sarah Lawrence
Jan-10 Nicholas, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Holden
Jan-13 Richard, son of Richard and Sarah Wanstall
Jan-20 John Bannister, son of Richard and Elizabeth Wicks
Feb-10 Henry, son of John and Sarah Terry
Feb-17 Richard, son of Richard and Sarah? Hobdy
Mar-03 John, son of Richard and Mary Spratt
Mar-15 Ann, daughter of Robert and Jane Friend
Mar-22 Thomas, son of Richard and Jane Marbrook
Apr-14 Henry, son of Stephen and Mary Church
Apr-28 John, son of Richard and Hester Moate
May-21 Elizabeth, daughter of Nehemiah and Elizabeth Nisbett
Jun-02 Phebe, daughter of John and Mary Hart
Jun-02 Richard, son of John and Mary Finn
Jun-09 Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Susan Lawrence
Jun-20 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Mary Wastall
Jun-23 Ann, daughter of Stephen and Ann Court
Jun-30 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Marsh
Jul-07 Sarah, daughter of Stephen and Ann Hart
Jul-14 James, son of James and Mary Hudson
Jul-21 William, son of John and Ann Pittock
Sep-08 Robert, son of Michael and Hester Nethersole
Sep-29 Andrew, son of Raikes and Mary Kingsford
Oct- 23 Jane, daughter of Josiah and Mary Silver
Nov-17 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
Dec-05 Joseph, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Sladden
Dec-15 George, son of William and Susanna Belsey
Dec-29 George, son of George and Jane Belsey
1783 Jan-12 James, son of James and Sarah Gardner
Feb-02 Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Ann Goodburn
Mar-02 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Spain
Mar-30 John, son of Richard and Sarah Fagg
Mar-30 Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Cleveland
Apr-20 Thomas, son of Richard and Jane Marbrook
May-04 Joyce, daughter of William and Ann Pritchard
Jun-01 William, son of Henry and Sarah Atkins
Jun-15 Ann, daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth Pittock
Jun-22 Samuel. Son of William and Sophia Hawkins
Aug-03 Richard, son of Bartholemew and Elizabeth Spain
Aug-03 Mary, daughter of Michael and Esther Nethersole
Aug-06 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Kite
Aug-17 John, son of John and Elizabeth Moat
Aug-17 James, Son of Thomas and Ann Fells
Sep-28 Ann, daughter of William and Sarah Marsh
Oct-19 William, son of Mary illegitimate Branford
Oct-26 Henry, son of John and Elizabeth Marsh
Oct-26 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Hogben
Oct-30 Benjamin, son of Robert and Mary Wastall
Nov-03 Thomas, son of William and Sarah Mummery
Nov-30 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soames
Dec-10 Ralph, son of John and Ann Pittock
Dec-14 Mary, daughter of Henry and Mary Spratt
Dec-25 Ann, daughter of John and Susan White
1784 Jan-25 Jane, daughter of Edward and Susan Lawrence
Feb-01 Ingram, daughter of Joseph and Mary Dunn
Feb-15 Mary, daughter of Reaks and Mary Kingsford
Feb-15 Ann, daughter of Henry and Mary Spratt
Mar-07 James, son of John and Sarah Terry
Mar-21 Ann, daughter of William and Mary Hammond
Mar-21 Ann, daughter of John and Margaret Spinner
Apr-02 Henry, son of Thomas and Ann Keble
Apr-07 William, son of Richard and Sarah Wanstall
Apr-18 Mary, daughter of John and Sarah Jordan
Apr-25 Thomas, son of Thomas and Ann Garrick
May-02 John, son of Richard and Sarah Fagg
May-09 William, son of John and Mary Finn
May-09 Mary, daughter of Richard and Jane Marbrook
May-16 Thomas, son of Robert and Sarah Bayley
May-16 Sarah, daughter of Elizabeth illegitimate Curling
May-16 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Lawrence
Jun-27 Mary, daughter of James and Mary Hudson
Jul-11 Maria, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris
Sep-05 William, son of William and Sarah Chapman
Sep-19 John, son of John and Elizabeth Leggatt
Oct- 10 Zachariah , son of George and Jane Belsey
Oct-10 William, son of Richard and Edith Hobdy?
Nov-14 Maria, daughter of James and Sarah Castle
Dec-26 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Pritchard
1785 Jan-02 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
Jan-16 Jane, daughter of Robert and Marcy Turner
Mar-06 Thomas, son of John and Elizabeth Carlton
Mar-06 Mary, daughter of William and Susan Belsey
Mar-27 Susanna, daughter of Joseph and Mary Silver
Apr-03 Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Cleveland
Apr-03 Leonard, son of Leonard and Ann Paterson
Apr-10 James, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
Apr-10 Mary Lawrence,daughter William and Elizabeth Warren
Apr-25 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann Garret
May-17 Hester, daughter of John and Hester Sladden
May-29 Elizabeth, daughter of Rakes and Mary Kingsford
Jun-12 William, son of Edward and Susan Lawrence
Jun-19 John, son of John and Sarah Bean
Jul-10 Mary Ann, daughter of John and Ann Pittock
Jul-17 Richard, son of William and Ann Hancock
Aug-14 Mary, daughter of John and Sarah Terry
Aug-20 William, son John and Mary Spain
Aug-20 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Kite
Aug-20 Charlotte, daughter of John and Sarah Fassoms
Oct-09 Thomas, son of Elizabeth illegitimate Durban
Oct-16 Sarah, daughter of Michael and Esther Nethersole
Nov-06 Hannah, daughter of James and Sarah Gardiner
Nov-13 Robert, son of William and Elizabeth Peters
Dec-04 Susanna Mary, daughter of Henry and Sarah Atkins
1786 Jan-01 Robert, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Kingsford
Jan-22 Hannah, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Jan-29 Eliz. Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Fordred
Feb-26 Thomas, son of James and Mary Hudson
Mar-12 Richard, son of John and Margaret Spinner
Apr-13 Richard, son of Thomas and Ann Keble
Apr-16 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
May-07 Mary, daughter of William and Sophia Hawkins
Jun-05 John, son of John and Mary Finn
Jun-05 Richard, son of John and Elizabeth Moat
Jun-18 Lydy, daughter of Thomas and Ann Fells
Aug-27 Richard, son of Rakes and Mary Kingsford
Sep-03 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah Fagg
Sep-22 Mary, daughter of George and Ann Belsey
Oct-10 William, son of Richard and Edith Hobdy?
Oct-29 Sarah, daughter of William and Mary Hammond
Nov-09 Richard, son of William and Mary Boteler Born Oct-26
Nov-26 John, son of John and Elizabeth Church
Dec-05 Mary Ann, daughter of John and Hester Sladden
Dec-10 William, son of Robert and Ann Pettman
Dec-21 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Fassom
Dec-26 Henry, son of Morris and Mary Ann Upton
1787 Jan-07 John, son of Richard and Mary Philpott
Jan- 07 John, son of William and Elizabeth Warren
Jan-21 Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
Mar-25 John, son of George and Elizabeth Friend
Apr-15 Susan, daughter of John and Mary Spain
Apr-22 Eleanor, daughter of James and Sarah Gardiner
May-13 John, son of James and Sarah Castle
May-13 Sarah, daughter of William and Mary Paramour
May-18 John, son of Edmund and Mary Field
May-20 John, son of Edard and Susan Lawrence
Jun-03 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Mary Goodburn
Jun-03 Jane, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Cleveland
Jun-24 Andrew, son of John and Mary Wanstall
Jun-29 Charles, son of William and Ann Hancock
Jul-08 William, son of John and sarah Terry
Aug-12 Daniel, son of Daniel and and Jane Kemp
Aug-19 Jane, daughter of Richard and Jane Upton
Aug-26 John, son of Richard and Elizabeth Cock
Aug-20 Charlotte, daughter of John and Sarah Fassoms
Oct-07 William, son of George and Jane Belsey
Oct-12 Harriot, daughter of John and Ann Piddock
Oct-14 Hester, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soames
Oct-25 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Kite
Oct-28 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Finn
Nov-11 John, son of Reaks and Mary Kingsford
Nov-15 William, son of Joseph and Mary Silver
Nov-15 Henry, son of John and Sarah Lawrence
1788 Jan-01 Ann, daughter of John and Sarah Jordan
Jan-08 Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Fordred
Jan-13 Sarah, daughter of William and Maria Goldfinch
Jan-20 Susanna, Beer daughter of John and Elizabeth Durban
Jan-27 Andrew, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Kingsford
Jan-27 Elizabeth, daughter of James and Mary Hudson
Feb-02 Frances, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Feb-21 David, son of Ann illegitimate Spearpoint
Mar-02 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Howland
Mar-20 Bunce, son of Thomas and Ann Keble
Mar-30 William, son of Richard and Mary Philpott
Mar-30 John, son of Solomon and Elizabeth Wood
Jun-01 George Finnis, son of Henry and Sarah Atkins
Jun-09 John, son of William and Mary Boteler Born May-27
Jul-06 Richard, son of John and Sarah Ansell
Jul-25 Sarah, daughter of John and Hester Sladden
Aug-10 Mary, daughter of John and Margaret Spinner
Aug-24 Mary, daughter of Richard and Edith Hobday
Aug-24 Jane, daughter of Michael and Mary Cock
Aug-31 George , son of William and Ann Pritchard
Sep-07 Richard, son of John and Elizabeth Legget
Oct-05 Thomas, son of and Elizabeth illegitimate Carlton
Oct-19 Ann, daughter of Michael andSusanna Joyner?
Nov-23 Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Morris and Mary Ann Upton
1789 Feb-02 John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris
Feb-05 John & Joseph, twin-sons of Richard & Elizabeth Cleveland
Feb-08 Jane, daughter of David and Mary Wood
Feb-22 Mary, daughter of Richard and Sarah Fagg
Feb-22 Richard, son of Edmund and Mary Field
Mar-01 Stephen, son of William and Sarah Chapman
Mar-01 Hannah, daughter of Edward and Susanna Lawrence
Mar-04 Frances, daughter of William and Maria Goldsmith
Apr-05 Mary, dauighter of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
Apr-13 Ann, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
May-01 John, son of John and Elizabeth Kite
May-03 Jane, daughter of John and Elizabeth Marsh
May-07 Thomas, son of Thomas and Sarah Kite
May-10 John Baxter, son of Elizabeth illegitimate Moate
May-10 Charlotte, daughter of Reaks and Mary Kingsford
May-24 Richard, son of Ann illegitimate Spearpoint
May-24 Hester, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soames
Jun-11 Mary, daughter of Robert and Mary Wastall
Jul-12 James. Son of William and Mary Hammond
Jul-19 Mary, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Ovenden
Aug-02 Mary, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Aug-16 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Howland
Aug-23 John, son of John and Elizabeth Durban
Aug-31 George, son of William and Ann Pritchard
Sep-20 Jane. Daughter of George and Jane Belsey
Oct-25 George, son of James and Sarah Castle
Nov-05 Maria, daughter of William and Mary Boteler Born Oct-10
Dec-06 Mary, daughter of Richard and Mary Philpott
Dec-20 Jane, daughter of John and Sarah Fassom
Dec-20 Frances, daughter of Richard and Jane Marbrook
Dec-23 Ann, daughter of John and Mary Hogbin
1790 Jan-17 Sarah, daughter of William and Sophia Hawkins
Jan-17 Jane, daughter of Elizabeth illegitimate Jarvis
Jan-25 John, son of William and Ann Hancock
Jan-31 William, son of James and Sarah Gardiner
Feb-14 Stephen, son of Daniel and Susan Byrch
Feb-28 George, son of John and Mary Finn
Mar-07 Thomas, son of William and Elizabeth Pettman
Mar-07 John, son of John and Sarah Jordan
Mar-20 William, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Fordred
Mar-21 James. son of James and Mary Hudson
Mar-23 Thomas, son of John and Elizabeth Kite
Mar-28 Sarah, daughter of John and Dorcas Davison
Apr-11 William, son of Lawrence and Mary Bean
Apr-28 John, son Andrew and Elizabeth Kingsford
May-06 Ann, daughter of John and Sarah Brooks
Jun-06 Susan, daughter of Michael and Susan Joyner
Aug-01 Ann Maria, daughter of John and Hester Sladden
Aug-08 Margaret, daughter of John and margaret Spinner
Aug-29 Esther, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Spain
Sep-26 Solomon, son of Solomon and Elizabeth Wood
Sep-29 Henry, son of James and Ann Hudson
Oct-04 Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Kite
Oct-10 Edward Holloway, son of Elizabeth illegitimate Austin
Oct-17 Maria, daughter of John and Mary Spain
Oct-18 David, son of William and Ann Pritchard
Dec-05 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
Dec-19 Joseph, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Dec-19 William, son of William and Sarah Knowler
1791 Jan-09 Hannah, daughter of Richard and Mary Philpot
Jan-13 George, son of John and Ann Piddock
Jan-23 Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary Silver
Jan-23 Susanna, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Broadly
Jan-30 Hammond, son of Morris and Mary Ann Upton
Feb-10 William, son of John and Elizabeth Kite
Feb-27 William, son of John and Sarah Jordan
Feb-27 Jane. daughter of William and Mary Paramor
Mar-03 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Morris
Mar-20 William, son of John and Sarah Bean
Mar-25 Mary, daughter of John and Sarah Lawrence
Mar-27 Ann, daughter of John and Elizabeth Durban
Mar-30 William, son of John amd Elizabeth Legget
Apr-06 Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Rubel
Apr-23 Susanna, daughter of William and Elizabeth Pettman
May-08 George, son of Edmund and Mary Field
May-15 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
May-29 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Aug-07 Mary, daughter of Reaks and Mary Kingsford
Oct- 30 William, son of William and Elizabeth Abbot
Dec-04 Thomas, son of Richard and Elizabeth Hobdy
Dec-04 Jane. daughter of Thomas and Ann Fells??
Dec-11 Margaret, daughter of William and Mary Hammond
Dec-28 Mary, daughter of William and Mary` Paramor
1792 Jan-01 William, son of James and Margaret Atkins
Jan-29 Maria, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soames
Jan-30 Stephen, son of John and Elizabeth Kite
Feb-12 Janes, daughter of John and Dorcas Davison
Mar-02 Mary, daughter of Sarah illegitimate Solly
Mar-18 William, son of John and Sarah Fassom
Mar-18 William, son of Joseph and Mary Belsey
Apr-03 John, son of Thomas and Sarah Kite
Apr-07 Mary, daughter of Elizabeth Williams
Apr-29 Mark, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
May-09 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Hancock
May-20 Ann, daughter of John and Sarah Bean
Jun-03 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sophia Hawkins
Aug-12 Thomas, son of Michael and Mary Cock
Aug-12 William Poole, son John and Elizabeth Groves
Aug-19 John, son of John and Elizabeth Travellers Ranger
Sep-02 Robert, son of George and Jane Belsey
Sep-02 Edward, son of William and Mary Brisley
Sep-09 Rebecca, daughter of Richard and Jane Upton
Sep-16 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
Sep-23 Mary, daughter of John and Ann Fennell
Oct-07 Sarah, daughter of James and Sarah Castle
Oct-07 Sarah, daughter of James and Mary Hudson
Nov-18 John, son of John and Ann Heritage
Dec-16 Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth Spain
Dec-23 John, son of Robert and Sarah Bayley
Dec-23 James, son of John and Margaret Spinner
1793 Jan-06 Richard, son of Richard and Susanna Goldfinch
Jan-20 Mary, daughter of John and Ann Walraven
Jan-23 Sophia, daughter of Rrichard and Elizabeth Russel
Feb-13 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Kite
Feb-24 Richard, son og Robert and Ann Petman
Mar-01 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Legget
Mar-10 William, son of William and Sarah Agar
Apr-16 Henry, son of William and Mary Boteler Born Jan-15
May- 05 Jane, daughter of Richard and Jane Marbrook
May-09 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
May-29 Ann, daughter of George and Elizabeth Piddock
Jun-02 Thomas, son of John and Mary Spain
Jun-16 William, son of Edmund and Mary Field
Jul-07 Mercy, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Jul-14 Ann, daughter of James and Elizabeth Walraven
Aug-11 George, son of William and Sarah Chapman
Aug-11 Richard, son of Thomas and Harriot Phillis
Aug-17 Frances, daughter of William and Susannah Cock
Oct-13 Celia, daughter of John and Sarah Jordan
Oct-14 Amy, daughter of James and Ann Hudson
Oct-27 John, son of Thomas and Jane Prichard
Oct-27 Sarah, daughter of Mary Simmons
Nov-03 Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth Durban
Nov-10 Ann, daughter of John and Sarah Lawrence
Nov-10 Ann, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Nov-23 Martha, daughter of William and Mary Palmer
Dec-26 William, son of William and Mary Paramor
Dec-29 Stephen. Son of Richard and Ann Howland
1794 Jan-02 Henry Francis, son of Francis and Ann Harris
Feb-03 John, son of Henry Wise and Margaret Wise / Harvey
Feb-09 John, son of John and Dorcas Davison
Feb-09 Richard, son of John and Mary Gan
Feb-23 Daniel, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle
Mar-09 Ann, daughter of John and Elizabeth Spain
Mar-16 Alice, daughter of John and Sarah Bean
Mar-16 James, son of Solomon and Elizabeth Wood
May-11 John, son of John and Elizabeth Oliver
May-25 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary Hammond
Jul-02 Mary Ann, daughter of William and Elizabeth Petman
Jul-20 Alexander, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Aug-24 Jane, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
Aug-31 John, son of John and Sarah Fassom
Aug-31 Edward, son of John and Elizabeth Kite
Sep-21 Mary Ann, daughter of Morris and Mary Ann Upton
Oct-05 John, son of James and Elizabeth Wood
Nov-02 Robert Wastal , son of Elizabeth baseborn Mummery
Nov-02 Sarah, daughter of John and Ann Walraven
Nov-09 Frances, daughter of Richard and Jane Upton
Dec-07 Thomas Cornwel, son of Mary baseborn Pitterton
Dec-21 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Harriot Phillis
Dec-24 John, son of Francis and Ann Harris
Dec-26 Mary, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Bayley
1795 Jan-01 Ralph, son of William and Ann Hancock
Jan-01 Sarah, daughter of George and Elizabeth Piddock
Feb-15 John, son of Wreaks and Susanna Cock
Feb-22 Ann, daughter of Richard and Hester Fagg
Mar-01 William, son of James and Mary Hudson
Mar-01 Sarah, daughter of Rachel baseborn Sprat
Mar-24 Lydy, daughter of James and Ann Hudson
Mar-29 Jane, daughter of James and Jane Bartlet
Mar-29 James, son of John and Sarah Bean
Mar-29 Harriot, daughter of Jane Knott
Apr-03 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Ann Howland
Apr-12 Robert, son of Robert and Sarah Bayley
Apr-12 Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Mary Belsey
Apr-26 Maria, daughter of John and Ann Pittock
May-03 Robert, son Robert and Ann Pettman
Jun-07 Mary, daughter of Michael and Mary Cock
Jun-28 Thomas son of William and Elizabeth Abbot
Jul-19 John, son of William and Mary Birch
Jul-26 William, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Bayley
Jul-26 Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Sidhurst
Jul-26 Margaret, daughter of Joespeh and Elizabeth Dunn
Aug-02 Elizabeth, daughter of James and Elizabeth Walraven
Aug-09 Henry, son of John and Elizabeth Kite
Aug-16 Friend, son of Susan White
Aug-16 Ann, daughter of Angel and Rebecca Hyde
Oct-18 John, son of John and Mary Gam
Oct-18 William son of Redman and Sarah Goldsack
Dec-06 Henry, son of John and Sarah Fanson?
Dec-27 Thomas, son of John and sarah Fassom
1796 Jan-17 Rebecca, daughter of Thomas and Harriot Phillis
Jan-18 Mary, daughter of Henry Wise and Margaret Wise/ Harvey
Jan-28 Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Ann Harris
Feb-14 James, son of William and Sophia Hawkins
Feb-21 William, son of George and Elizabeth Piddock
Feb-28 William, son of John and Mary Wanstall
Apr-03 William, son of Joseph and Sarah Hysted
Apr-03 Hester, daughter of Ann Owens
Apr-03 Mary, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Apr-07 Edward, son of William and Elizabeth Pettman
Apr-17 Daniel, son of Vincent and Jane Bayley
Apr-17 Enoch Bowles, son of John and Elizabeth Durban
May-08 Ann, daughter of John and Dorcas Davison
May-28 Ann, daughter of John and Susan Graham
Jun-04 John, son of Sarah Green
Jun-05 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Bean
Jun-12 Charlotte, daughter of John and Charlotte Phillis
Jul-17 Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Jul-31 Henry, son of Isaac and Ann Sladden
Aug-02 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Cock
Oct-09 Edward, son of William and Mary Birch
Oct-09 Maria, daughter of Joseph and Mary Silver
Oct-16 Maria, daughter of Rebecca Phillis
Oct-16 Ann, daughter of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Oct-16 Susanna, daughter of Robert and Margaret Brown
Nov-06 John, son of John and Sarah Epps
Dec-04 Robert, son of William and Mary Paramor
Dec-18 Richard, son of Richard and Mary Harwood
Dec-18 Charlotte, daughter of William and Mary Hammond
1797 Jan-07 Mary and Thomas, daughter & son of Mary Bean
Jan-08 William Thomas, son of Valentine and Ann Arnold
Jan-08 Chrishan, daughter of Francis and Ann Harris
Jan-15 John, son of John and Ann Walraven
Jan-29 Lawrence, son of Richard and Hester Fagg
Jan-29 William, son of William and Elizabeth Drayson
Feb-12 Thomas, son of Thomas and Harriot Phillis
Feb-12 Mary Ann, daughter of Richard and Jane Upton
Feb-21 Henry, son of Richard and Ann Bird
Feb-24 Elizabeth, daughter of George and Elizabeth Piddock
Feb-26 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Margaret Fagg
Mar-26 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Mary Austin
Apr-02 Charlotte, daughter of Richard and Ann Howland
Apr-05 Hannah, daughter of Angel and Rebecca Hyde
Apr-09 George, son of Wreaks and Susanna Cock
May-21 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Mary Spratling
May-28 Mary, daughter of Edmund and mary Field
Jun-11 Richard, son of Richard and Jane Marbrook
Jun-11 William Dowden, son of Elizabeth Dunk
Jul-23 Ann, daughter of James and Mary Hudson
Jul-30 James, son of James and Elizabeth Walraven
Sep-03 Stephen Pilcher, son of Mary baseborn Patley?
Sep-03 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Ann Cock
Sep-24 Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Dixson?
Oct-22 Edwin, son of Isaac and Ann Sladden
Oct-29 James, son of John and Charlotte Fillis
Nov-26 Elizabeth, daughter of Vincent and Jane Bayley
1798 Feb-05 John, son of Thomas and Mary Fassom
Feb-11 William, son of William and Mary Mummery
Feb-11 Richard, son of William and Mary Gammon
Feb-14 John, son of John and Mary Wanstall
Feb-18 Winifred, daughter of James and Ann Hudson
Feb-25 Mary, daughter of John and Frances Ewell
Feb-28 Francis, son of Francis and Ann Harris
Mar-11 Maria, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Mar-18 John, son of John and Susanna Graham
Mar-25 Thomas, son of Thomas and Hester Houghton
Mar-30 Thomas, son of William and Ann Hancock
Apr-01 Ann, daughter of John and Mary Spain
Apr-12 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Charlotte Foord
Apr-18 John, son of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Apr-22 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Gage
Jun-03 Charlotte, daughter of George and Elizabeth Piddock
Jun-16 Thomas, son of Edward and Sarah Haynrood?
Jul-15 Michael Upton, son of Mary Baker
Aug-26 Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Sep-01 Mary, daughter of Charlotte Finn
Sep-23 Mary, daughter of Walter and Mary Vanson
Sep-29 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Carver
Oct-21 Hannah, daughter of John and Srah Bean
Oct-28 Goerge, son of John and Dorcas Deveson
Oct-29 Henry Wise, son of Henry Wise and Margaret Harvey
Dec-01 Thomas Bowles, son of William and Elizabeth Drayson
Dec-16 Elizabeth, son of John and Elizabeth Davison
Dec-26 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Harriot Phillis
1799 Jan-25 William, son of William and Margaret Fagg
Jan-27 Elizabeth Martha, daughter of John and Catherine Sayer
Feb-10 Thomas, son of Richard and Elizabeth Dixon
Mar-06 Susanna, daughter of Richard and Ann Howland
Mar-10 Mary, daughter of Finnis and Jane Bayley
Apr-14 Stephen, son of John and Sarah Epps
May-12 Pleasant, daughter of John and Charlotte Phillis
Jul-07 Edmund, son of Edmund and Mary Field
Aug-18 Richard, son of George and Elizabeth Pittock
Sep-15 George Wyborn, son of Mary Finn
Sep-15 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Angela Reeves
Sep-29 Thomas, son of William and Mary Mummery
Oct-20 Edward, son of Isaac and Ann Sladden
Oct-27 Susannah, daughter of Henry and Mary Spratling
Dec-08 Sarah, daughter of Walter and Hannah Williams
Dec-08 Harriot, daughter of Mary Beech
Dec-22 Elizah Wellard, daughter of Thomas and Charlotte Ford
Dec-23 James, son of John and Sarah Bean
1800 Jan-12 John, son of John and Mary Wanstale
Jan-12 Sarah, daughter of Stephen and Ann Dewil
Feb-02 Robert, son of Robert and Alice Wastale
Feb-23 John, son of Thomas and Hester Houghton
Mar-09 Robert, son of John and Frances Ewell
Mar-09 William, son of Elizabeth Page
Mar-23 John, son of Richard and Jane Upton
Mar-23 Elizabeth, daughter of Sarah Long
Apr-08 Harriot, daughter of Mary Belsey
Apr-14 Thomas, son of Thomas and Jane Goodban
May-11 Charles, son of William and Sarah Chapman
May-14 Mary, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soames
May-18 Richard, son of John and Elizabeth Davison
May-18 Hester, daughter of Richard and Hester Moat
Jun-22 John, son of John and Elizabeth Spain Last entry signed by
Jun-23 Fanny, daughter of Henry Wise and Margaret Harvey Thomas Pennington
Jul-28 Emily, daughter of Richard and Catherine Rigden
Aug-17 William, son of Angel and Rebecca Hyde
Aug-17 Mary, daughter of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Sep-28 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Susan Kittams?
Sep-29 Frederick, son William and Mary Boteler born Aug 9th
Oct-12 Sarah, daughter of James and Elizabeth Malraven
Oct-12 Thomas, son of Alice Tapsell
Oct-12 Edward, son of Jane Long
Oct-13 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Fassom
Oct-26 Richard, son of Vincent and Jane Bayley
Oct-26 William, son of John and Dorcas Deveson
Oct-29 James, son of William and Elizabeth Drayson
Nov-05 Mary Bennett, daughter of John and Elizabeth Baker
Nov-23 Mercy, daughter of Richard and Hester Fagg
Nov-30 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Ann Cock
1801 Jan-11 Robert, son of Robert and Sarah` Atkins
Mar-01 Caroline, daughter of James and Ann Hudson
Mar-01 John Levert son of Ann Arthur
Mar-20 Frederick, son Sarah Belsey
Mar-29 Richard, son of William and Margaret Fagg
Mar-29 William, son of John and Charlotte Fillis
Mar-29 Mary, daughter of George and Elizabeth Pittock
Apr-01 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Dixon
Apr-26 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Harriet Phillis
Apr-26 Elizabeth, daughter of Isacc and Ann Haddon
Jul-26 Robert son of Edmund and Mary Field
Jul-26 Richard, son of Samuel and Sarah Turner
Jul-26 Sarah, daughter of Jane Hard?
Aug-23 William, son of Richard and Sarah Soams
Aug-30 William Hayward, son of Richard and Mary Friend
Sep-12 Robert, son of William (esq.) and Mary Boteler born Sep-11
Oct-18 James, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
Oct-25 Mary, daughter of Richard and Ann Howland
Nov-08 Stephen, son of Stephen Dewell and Ann Dewell/ Bird
Nov-15 Francis, son of John and Susannah Graham
Dec-29 Philip William, son Philip and Jane Segeyt?
1802 Jan-03 Jane, daughter of John and Mary Wanstall
Jan-10 William, son of Robert and Alice Wastall
Jan-10 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Bentley
Jan-24 William, son of Edward and Mary White
Feb-07 John, son of John and Elizabeth Davison
Feb-21 Thomas, son of Henry and Mary Spratling
Mar-21 William, son of Thomas and Charlotte Ford
Mar-21 John, son of Vincent and Jane Bailey
Mar-21 Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Sharp
Apr-19 Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Deveson
Apr-25 Ann, daughter of Richard and Ann Sawkins?
May-05 Susannah, daughter of John and Mary Upton
May-09 John, son of Walter and Mary Vanson
Jun-27 Edward, son of Stephen and Mary Wanstall
Jul-18 Maria, daughter of George and Elizabeth Pittock
Jul-18 John, son of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Sep-05 William, son of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Sep-12 Mary, daughter of William and Mary Medget
Sep-19 John, son of Wlater and Hannah Williams
Sep-19 Henry, son of Thomas and Sarah Kittams
Oct-26 William, son of Thomas and Hesther Houghton
Nov-14 Thomas, son of John and Ann Finnis
Dec-05 Jane, daughter of Philip and Jane Segeyt?
Dec-12 William, son of Richard andJane Upton
Dec-19 Agnes, daughter of William (esq.) and Mary Boteler born Nov-08
Dec-28 William, son of William and Maria Famaris
1803 Jan-07 Thomas, son of Edward and Mary White
Jan-09 Richard, son of Thois and Margaret Pysden
Feb-06 Richard, son of Thomas and Mary Fassom
Feb-23 Edwin, son of Isaac and Ann Sladden
Mar-06 Mary Ann, daughter of Ralph and Sarah Pittock
Mar-16 John, son of Richard and Hesther Fagg
Mar-18 Sarah, daughter of William and Margaret Fagg
Mar-20 Ann, daughter of William and Elizabeth Pott
Mar-27 Mary Anne, daughter of Morris and Mary Upton
Apr-09 Robert, son of John and Dorcas Deveson
Apr-17 Richard, son of Richard and Mary Friend
May-15 Edward, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dunn
May-15 Ann, daughter of John and Charlotte Phillis
May-16 William, son of Jane Hart
May-31 Stephen, son of Richard and Ann Howland
Jun-12 John, son of James and Elizabeth Whalraven
Jul-10 Sophia, daughter of William and Mary Sharp
Aug-04 George, son of Stephen and ? ?
Aug-23 Thomas Bartlet, son of Bethia Chapman
Sep-21 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Mary Morris
Sep-25 Isaac Tumber, son of Ann Arthur
Oct-18 Elizabeth Ansell, daughter of Elizabeth Ansell
Oct-24 Margaret, dr of Henry Wise and Margaret Harvey Wise
Nov-20 Hesther, daughter of Richard and Sarah Strams?
Dec-04 Charles, son of William and Maria? Famaris
1804 Jan-01 George, son of Thomas and Sarah Buddle
Jan-01 Sarah, daughter of Emblin Cornelius
Jan-15 Joseph, son of Isaac and sarah Belsey
Jan-29 Sarah, daughter of Robert and Alice Wastall
Feb-12 Sarah Ann, daughter of Vincent and Jane Bailey
Feb-14 Elizabeth, daughter of George and Elizabeth Barsler?
Feb-19 John, son of Thomas and Ann Cock
Feb-23 Henry, son of Edward and Elizabeth Terry
Feb-26 George, son of William and Sarah Deveson
Mar-11 Henry, son of John and Elizabeth Deveson
Mar-18 Henry, son of John and Mary Bentley
Mar-25 Ann, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Dixon
Mar-25 Frances, daughter of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Mar-25 George, son of John and Mary Wanstall
Mar-30 William, son of Walter and Mary Vanson
Apr-01 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Ann Dawkins
Apr-22 Jane, daughter of John and Elizabeth Spain
Apr-22 Mary Larance, daughter of Edward and Mary White
Apr-22 William, son of John and Frances Ewell
May-06 Bartholomew, son of Bartholomew and Mary Spain
May-06 Mary Ann, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Ewell
Jun-10 Thomas, son of Matthew and Elizabeth Marsh
Aug-05 John, son of Walter and Hannah Williams
Aug-05 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Kittams
Aug-19 Frances, daughter of John and Charlotte Fillis
Sep-03 Jacob Thomas, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Chandler
Sep-09 Samuel Cook, son of Sarah Cook
Sep-23 George, son of George and Elizabeth Pittock
Oct-28 Thomas, son of Edmund and Mary Field
Nov-17 Richard, son of Fanny Waller
Nov-18 Morris, son of Morris and Mary Upton
Dec-23 Edward, son of Jrichard and Ann Heart
Dec-26 Harriot, daughter of Thomas and Ann Claringbould
1805 Jan-25 Eliza, daughter Isaac and Ann Sladden
Feb-03 Ingram Bromley, son of Richard and Ester Fagg
Feb-10 Mary Ann, daughter of George and Elizabeth Bartlett
Mar-03 William, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Gold
Mar-06 Jane, daughter of Eichard and Ann Howland
May-21 Elizabeth Ann, daughter of William and maria Famaris
May-25 Jane, daughter of Robert and Ann Gibbons
Jun-03 Henry, son of Abraham and Sarah Ford born Mar-10 1801
Jun-03 Sophia, daughter of Abraham and Sarah Ford born Mar-10 1803
Jun-03 William, son of Abraham and Sarah Ford
Jun-03 George, son of Thomas and Charlotte Ford
Jun-09 Mary, daughter of John ans Susanna Graham
Jun-09 Ann, daughter of Richard and Jane Upton
Jun-16 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Fassoms
Jun-23 Ann, daughter of Henry and Mary Spratten
Jun-30 John, son of Edward and Elizabeth Terry
Jul-02 Christian, daughter of Thomas and Ann Fellis?
Aug-04 Thomas, son of Batholomew and Mary Spain
Aug-18 Richard, son of John and Mary Moat
Aug-18 Thomas, son of John and Mary Wanstall
Sep-01 Harriot, daughter of Stephen and Ann Dewell
Sep-01 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Taylor
Sep-22 Elizabeth, dauighter of Nearn and Margaret Buddle
Sep-22 William, son of Thomas and Margaret Piesden?
Sep-22 William, son of James and Elizabeth Whalraven
Sep-22 John, son of William and Margaret Fagg
Oct-17 John, son of Edmund and Sarah Dawkins
Nov-03 Susanna, daughter of Vincent and Susanna Baley
Nov-03 Henry, son of William and Mary Ann Boveman
Nov-10 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Ewell
Dec-15 Bertha, daughter of William (esq,) and Mary Boteler born Dec-13
Dec-22 William, son of Sarah Davis
1806 Jan-05 Jane , daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Doxson
Jan-05 Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Jan-19 Maryann daughter of Thomas and Rachel Mantle
Jan-27 Sarah, dr. of Henry Wise (esq.) and Margaret Harvey born Jan-25
Jan-31 John, son of James and Ann Hudson
Feb-09 Joseph, son of John and Elizabeth Deveson
Feb-09 Charlotte, daughter of James and Mary Hudson
Feb-23 Mary Ann, daughter of William and Mercy Pott
Feb-26 Henry, son of John and Mary Bentley
Mar-10 Harriot, daughter of John and Sarah Atkins
Mar-14 Phillip, son of Moris and Mary Upton
Jun-08 John, son of James and Ann Hudson
Jun-29 William, son of Thomas and Ann Morris
Aug-24 Mary, daughter of William and Jane Dawkings?
Oct-26 Ann, daughter of Edmund and Sarah Dorkins
Nov-23 Sophia, daughter of Mary Stringer
Dec-21 Sarah, daughter of John and Ann Taylor
Dec-23 John, son of George and Elizabeth Pittock }twins
Dec-23 Ralph, son of George and Elizabeth Pittock
1807 Jan-18 Frances, daughter of John and Frances Ewell
Jan-31 Mary, daughter of Richard and Ann Hart
Feb-11 Thomas, son of Thomas and Sarah Kittams
Mar-01 Sarah, daughter of Robert and Sarah Atkins
Mar-01 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Mary Bowman
Mar-26 Stephen, son of William and Mavis Famariss
Apr-12 Mary, daughter of William and Ann Fillis
Apr-12 George, son of John and Sarah Cock
Apr-19 Ann, daughter of Willaim and Frances Cock
May-03 Stephen, son of Thomas and Sarah Buddle
Aug-30 Lydia, daughter of Richard and Ann Howland
Oct-04 Susanna, daughter of Walter and Hanna Williams
Oct-04 John, son of Thomas and Mary Fassoms
Oct-11 Thomas, son of Stephen and Ann Dewell
Oct-25 Thomas, son of Hanna Spain
Nov-08 James, son of Richard and Joyse Kempt
Nov-08 Eliza? daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Dec-20 William, son of William and Mary Sharp } twins
Dec-20 Harriot, daughter of William and Mary Sharp
1808 Feb-21 Ann, daughter of William and Ann Silver
Feb-28 Henry, son of William and Margaret Fag
Mar-20 Ann Hammon, daughter of Thomas and Ann Norvis
Mar-31 Daniel, son of Morris and Mary Upton
Apr-03 Sarah, daughter of Stephen and Mary Wanstall
Apr-10 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Charlotte Ford
Apr-10 Sarah, daughter of Edward and Sarah Newport
May-01 Sarah, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Goldfinch
Jun-05 Thomas, son of Edmund and Mary Field
Jun-12 John, son of Richard and Sarah Soams
Jun-12 Robert, son of Robert and Elizabeth Ewell
Jun-23 Katharine, dr. of Henry Wise (esq.) and Margaret Harvey born Jun-22
Jun-28 Christian Bargarve, dr. William (esq.) & Christian Bargarve born Jun-27
Jul-03 Joseph, son of William and Mary Ann Bowman
Jul-03 William, son of Vincnet and Susanna Bailey
Jul-17 Joseph, son of George and Elizabeth Pittock
Jul-17 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Tritton
Aug-07 Mary Marger?, daughter of Richard and Ann Tankins?
Sep-02 Sarah, daughter of Walter and Mary Warsan
Sep-25 George, son of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Sep-25 Alice, daughter of James and Alice Pritchard
Sep-29 John Bessel, son of Lawrence and Eleanor Easter
Oct-02 Mary Ann, daughter of William and Elizabeth Johnson
Oct-11 John, son of Thomas and Ann Claringboul
Nov-06 Edward, son of John and Ann Young
Nov-07 Thomas, son of John and Ann Taylor
Nov-12 Caroline, daughter of John and Elizabeth Clover

(* See two pages farther 1809)

1809 Feb-12 John, son of William and Maria Famaris
Feb-12 Thomas, son of Thomas and Ann Davis
Mar-05 Mary, daughter of Richard and Joyce Kemp
Mar-26 William , son of Thomas and Sarah Kittams
Mar-26 Richard, son of Thomas and Mary Moat
Mar-26 Caroline, daughter of John and Elizabeth Glover
Apr-09 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Bowman
Apr-23 Robert, son of Isaac and Sarah Belsey
Apr-23 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann Turner
May-23 John Gibbs, son of James and Mary Ann Gibbs White
May-28 Edward, son of Edward and Elizabeth Terry
May-28 William, son of William and Ann Fells
Jun 11 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Ann Morris
Jun 11 Ann Wood, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Chandler
Jun 18 Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Silver
Jun 18 Sarah, daughter of John and frances Ewell
Jun 18 Ann, daughter of Elizabeth Kemp
Jul-02 Marianne, daughter of James and Eleanor Solley
Jul-25 Christian, daughter of William and Christian Bridger
Aug-27 Sarah, daughter of Edward and Sarah Hatcher
Aug-27 Harriet, daughter of Edmond and Sarah Dawkins
Aug-27 Mary, daughter of James and Rebecca Colley
Dec-24 Harriet, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Goldfinch
Dec-31 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Goodchild
Dec-31 John, son of Richard and Mary Morris
Dec-31 William , son of Ann Wanstal
1810 Jan-28 Thomas, son of John and Mary Pittock
Feb-11 William, son of William and Mary Browning
Feb-11 John, son of John and Mary Moat
Feb-11 Jane, daughter of John and Elizabeth Devison
Mar-11 Jane, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Ewell
Mar-11 James, son of Stephen and Ann Rogers
Mar-11 Richard Edward , son of Edward and Sarah Hatcher
Apr-01 Thomas, son of Walter and Hannah Williams
Apr-08 George, son of Walter and Mary Vanson
Apr-15 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Port
May-06 Isaac, son of Richard and Esther Fagg
Jun 17 John Garnet, son of James and Ann Cope
Oct-14 Jane Frances, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Boys
Oct-30 Isaac, son of Isaac and Elizabeth Sladden
Nov-04 Richard, son of John and Dorcas Deveson
Nov-11 Harriet, daughter of Ralph and Sarah Pittock
Nov-18 Eliza, daughter of Mary Hammond
Dec-02 Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah Soams
Dec-09 John, son of John and Ann Taylor
Dec-16 Marianne, daughter of Vincent and Ann Brett
1811 Jan-20 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Mary Moat
Jan-20 Hannah, daughter of ? Stokes
Feb-21 Sarah, daughter of James and Frances Terry
Feb-31 Robert, son of George and Elizabeth Minter
Mar-13 Harriet, daughter of William and Mary Pittock
Mar-17 Susan, daughter of John and Susan Graham
Mar-24 Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Seath
Apr-28 William Henry , son of Maryann Gibbs White
Apr-30 Sarah Bargrave, dr. of William and Christian Bridger
May-26 Henry Morris, son of Elizabeth Hammond
Jun-29 William Woolley, son of Ann Goodban
Jun-30 Edward Ware, son of Harriet Pittock
Jul-14 Eliza, daughter of William and Maria Famaris
Aug-11 Richard, son of Mary Castle
Sep-08 Thomas, son of Elizabeth Hills
Sep-22 Eliza, daughter of Lawrence and Eleanor Easter
Oct-03 Thomas, son of Thomas and Ann Turner
Oct-20 Mary, daughter of William and Mary Browning
Nov-10 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Bowman
Nov-24 William, son of John and Mary Moat
Dec-08 John, son of John and Ann Cronk
Dec-12 John, son of John and Ann Cronk
1812 Jan-12 John, son of Edward and Sarah Newport
Feb-09 Sarah, daughter of John and Elizabeth Devison
Mar-22 Henry, son of Richard and Ann Sankins
Apr-12 John, son of Isaac and *Ann Sladden *Affidavit to correct an error, signed by Rev. George Randolph in 1833
Apr-12 Esther, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Johnson
Jun-07 Jane, daughter of Abraham and Mary Ford
Jun-07 Edward, son of John and Ann Taylor
Jun-07 Willliam, son of David and Susannah Wareham
Jun-14 John, son of Thomas and Lydia Sutton
Jul-05 Eliza, daughter of Morris and Mary Upton
Aug-10 Elizabeth, daughter of Ricahrd and Ann Howland
Sep-13 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Fagg
Sep-27 William, son of William and Mary Shearlock
Sep-27 George, son of Henry and Mary Lawrence
Oct-04 Marianne, daughter of John and Sarah Huckstep
Oct-12 Richard, son of James and Mary Port
Oct-18 Eliza, son of John and Mary Dilnot
Oct-30 Isaac, son of Isaac and Ann Sladden
Nov-20 Harriet Holdstock
Nov-20 Thomas Jarvis, son of Sarah Spain


Omission of baptism Register Entry in January 1809
affidavit signed by Rev.D.Backhouse in 1842


Correction of a Register Entry made on April 12th 1812
Affidavit signed by Rev. George Randolph in 1833