Books on local history


Many of these titles are available in Deal Library Local Studies collection and some are on open shelves to borrow. There is another collection (ref DA1094) at the Templeman Library, University of Kent at Canterbury on open access. These are marked below as (TL) in addition to being available in the Deal Local Studies Collection.

History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent by E Hasted. Vol 10 1800 first 23 pages on the parish of Deal. Also online.

A new and complete history of the county of Kent by William Henry Ireland Vol 1 1829 contains Deal and Walmer. Available in local studies collection Dover Library. Historical, topographical, critical and biographical delineations, embellished with a series of views. Volumes 2,3,4 are available online.

A History of Deal and its Neighbourhood by Stephen Pritchard 1864. Also available online – Google Books, and in facsimile by Michael's Bookshop, Ramsgate. Contains diary entries from Mr Powell, mayor in 1700's

The new handbook to the Downs neighbourhood; being a … guide to Deal, Walmer, Sandwich, and the surrounding villages, etc 1868. British Library (Search for 'Handbook the Downs') 210 pages

The new handbook to the Downs neighbourhood; being a … guide to Deal, Walmer, Sandwich, and the surrounding villages, etc 1876. British Library (Search for 'Handbook the Downs') 194 pages

A Guide to Deal, Walmer, and the neighbourhood 1861 E.F Giraud [with plates] 58 pages British Library also Google Books.

Deal: Past and Present by Henry Stephen Chapman 98pp 1890. (TL) Written by ex mayor of Deal with unique records from the Corporation Deed box and letters from Elizabeth Carter collection. His history gets going in 1450's up to 1800.

Heroes of the Goodwin Sands by the Rev. Thomas Stanley Treanor, M.A. Chaplin, Missions to Seamen, Deal and the Downs. The Deal Boatment, lifeboats and selected rescues described. Pub. 1892

History of Deal 1914-1953 by E C Pain 148pp (Continuation of Laker’s book). (TL)

Reminiscences of Old Deal Forward by E C Pain, Pub T F Pain approx 1949. Collected articles from a series in the East Kent Mercury in 1932 written by E W Clarke. Lot of photographs from the W H Franklin collection and dating back to 1865. Behind glass doors in Deal Library.

An Illustrated Deal, Walmer & Sandwich 1897. Several editions exist with slightly different dates. Two complete copies in Deal Library Local Studies, also in Sandwich Guildhall Archives and Dover Museum Archives. Sections on tradespeople and professionals, well illustrated. No date but mentions QV Jubilee.

A History of Deal by John Laker 1917. (TL). Claims to be the first researched history of Deal.

Deal Railway Station 1847 to 1995 by A L Minter

Deal Street Directories 1898 To 1945 by EC Pain - Deal Library

Geology, Archaeology and History of the Lydden Valley by the Lydden Valley Research Group 2006

Deal - Sad Smuggling Town by Gregory Holyoake 2001

Deal - All in the Downs by Gregory Holyoake 2008 Much expanded from his earlier book.

A History of Deal by Gertrude Nunns 2006

Deal 300 Then & Now

Kent 1800 – 1899 by Bob Ogley 2003

Kent A Chronicle of the Century by Bob Ogley 1996. Referring to the 19th century in four volumes.

Bygone Kent - Monthly Journal full set in Deal library. The index is now online.

Deal in Old Photographs by June Broady 1989 (and 2001 with a different cover)

The Coldest Place in England by Tony Arnold 1995

An Historical Atlas of Kent by Lawson and Killing 2004. Many short articles well researched with extensive list of sources.

Domesday Book – Kent Phillimore 1983 Edition

Old Pubs of Deal & Walmer (and Kingsdown & Mongeham) by Steve Glover & Michael Rogers 2010. Contains extensive local history information.

Drinking in Deal by Andrew Sargent 2016. Extensive discourse on 19th and early 20th century Deal

Discovering Deal by Barbara Collins 1969. (TL). A 50 page pamphlet with some interesting gems in the text.

Deal Before the Conquest through Archaeological Evidence by N E Tamaszewski (TL). Deal & Walmer Local History and Research Group. An open lecture given in 1976.

The Deal Scene 1887 - 1977 (TL). Interesting pictures, some not in other books.

Deal Town Guides (TL). 1930's to 1970's. There is also one from 1856 in the Deal Local Studies collection.

The Invaders Shore by W P D Stebbing 1937 (TL). Some interesting analysis of the history scene in Deal. Has a good section on Bricks, notes on farming, estimated dates of buildings, copies of several early maps including Andrews & Drury. This book was dedicated to the Deal & Walmer Local History & research Society.

Sketches of Deal, Walmer and Sandwich by J.L. Roget. 1911. Contains text and 32 colour plates of sketches painted by the author in the 1880's. Valuable insight into times past.

Bygone Deal & Walmer by Beryl Foley-Fisher 1989. A mix of photographs not found in other books.

Deal & District at War by David Collyer 2009. Recounts events which include: a German coastal raid in Sandwich Bay; an enemy pilot entertained by a local family; cases of smuggling; and the 'Lifeboat Doctor' James Hall.

Basil's Deal Ed Judith Davies. Collection of Basil Kidd photographs (EKM photographer).

Traders Remembered by Judith Davies

Faces from the Front by Judith Gaunt. Remembering the men of Deal, Sandwich and district who died in WW1. An expanded edition published 2014 of the 'Roll of Honour' published by T.F.Pain (Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury) approx 1926.

Information by Alan Buckman


From Cholera to Covid. The Medical Story of The Kentish Village of Eastry 1820 -2020 by Alastair Carnegie and Jean Johnstone. Marshborough Publishing.

Eastry 979-1979. Lathe, hundred and manor; a celebration of 1000 years of Eastry History By Jack Bones. 1979. Sandwich Local History Society.

Memorials of The Royal Ville and Parish of Eastry in the County of Kent By William Francis Shaw. 1870. Published by John Russell Smith London

A Village Remembers; Eastry's people in two World Wars and beyond By Michael Hankins. 2018

A Kentish Village of Eastry 1800-2000By Douglas Welby. 2007. Printed by George J. Harris, Sandwich CT13 9ND

Eastry Photographic Memories of a Kentish Village By Douglas Welby 2009. Printed by George J. Harris, Sandwich CT13 9ND

Discovering Eastry A Kentish Village. Volume 1 By Douglas Welby 2014. Printed by George J. Harris, Sandwich CT13 9ND

The Invasion That Never Was; Survival of the People of East Kent on the Frontline 1914-1945 by Douglas Welby 2012. Crabwell Publications.


Curling Wisps & Whispers of History. Volume 1: Thanet to Tasmania. An East Kent family’s radical response to an early nineteenth-century recession. 2022. ISBN 978-1-915174-02-4. Volume 2: Kent to Kefalonia. The struggling family is rescued by a marriage which launches the unusual career of Edward Curling. Forthcoming. ISBN: 978-1-915174-07-9. Both volumes by LucyAnn Curling. Published by Ozaru Books, Street Acre, St Nicholas-at-Wade, Birchington CT7 0NG 4