Local Archive

We have an archive of items specifically to do with Deal being the results of our labours over the past few years. To date there are 81 wall panels (of size A1), only a few have been transferred to articles on this site, more will be done when time permits. The rest are with Alan Buckman and a small quantity are at the Landmark Centre on permanent exhibition.

The 2009 team concentrated in the study of Upper Deal, mostly 19th century with individual projects. [Exh a] St Leonard's Church Social Centre.

2010 was the 100th anniversary of the Inland Revenue 1910 Survey of all properties in Britain, so the group did a joint project to survey a large number of houses down Church Path. Data was also used to join in the National Archives Historic streets Project. [Exh b] St Leonard's Church Social Centre.

2011 team studied the period 1750-1837, more concentrated around the Church, but plenty to interest with widening topics to include Deal! [Exh c] St Leonard's Church Social Centre then at Heritage Weekend Sept 2011.

2012 study was based around the restoration of the monarchy (1660) and the state of Deal to around 1750. Presented at the Heritage Weekend 7th / 8th Sept 2012 [Exh d]. Use of the material continued with talks given by Alan Buckman to the Walmer WI, KFHS, ELIG and at the open lecture meeting on 13th April 2013.

2013 study on Charitable Giving encompassing almshouses, churches etc. 18 new sheets presented at the Heritage Weekend 13th / 14th September at Deal Town Hall [Exh e].

2014 WW1 start 100 years ago, Baptist Church Sunday School. 22 new sheets presented at the Heritage Weekend 12th/13th September at Deal Town Hall [Exh f].

2015 theme was Deal 200 years ago. Presented at the Heritage Open Days mid-September 2015 at the Town Hall [Exh g].

2016 Created a directory for Lower street in 1851 trying to relate building to current day buildings. Presented at the Heritage Open Days 10th/11th Sept 2016 at the Town Hall [Exh h].

2017 Further work on Lower street up to 1911. Renumbering scheme in 1892 now unearthed and helping to pin down the buildings. Presented at the Heritage Open Days 9th/10th Sept 2017 at the Astor Community Theatre [Exh i]. 47 panels were shown plus an exhibition of the Astor Theatre and one board from the Deal Society - 50 years of conservation in Deal.

2018 Work on National chains of shops in Deal, Street Furntiure and the Deal Post. Further work on Pilots, Notable Women in Deal and an Admiralty chart. Presented at the Heritage Open Days 16th September at the Astor Community Theatre. Also showing a rolling slide presentation.

2019 Back to St Leonard's looking in depth on the seating plan of c1618 and notable families. More local builders appearing on street furniture. A large exhibition at the Landmark Centre on 13th July was well attended. [Exh k]

2022 after the COVID 19 pandemic at St. Andrew's Church Hall concentrating on the West Street / Duke Street area. 24 panels shown [Exh m] including Non-Conformism, Music (The Assembly Room), the Strangers Burial Ground, the Old Naval Hospital in West St etc.

2023 at Heritage Open Days weekend, 8th Sept at Old St Mary's Church, Upper Walmer. Subject was Upper Walmer and 15 new panels shown along with 9 previous panels (Exh n]. 197 people attended, a record for our exhibition.

TITLE Researcher YR Sheets Briefly Exh
Upper Deal Mill Eve Clark 09 2 The mill, millers, corn laws a
The Poor Chrissie Clifton-Lee 09 5 In depth study. Early poor house and 1781 poor house a
Upper Deal Manor House Margaret Wills 09 2 People, family trees & photos a,d
The Turnpike Lis Pallett 09 1 Dover-Deal and Deal-Sandwich. Description, timeline a,e
Jenkins Well Lis Pallett 09 2 People, family trees & photos a,d
The Census Sue Buckman 09 1 The enumeration district a
The parish tithe Alan Buckman 09 1 Around Upper Deal a
Working in Upper Deal Alan Buckman 09 1 From the census and trade directories - transport, coach to London a
The Magnet Maggie Ferguson 09 1 Pub timeline a
Admiral Keppel Maggie Ferguson 09 1 Pub timeline a,d
Brickmakers Maureen Criddle 09 2 Many brickfields in Upper Deal a
Local Maps Alan Buckman 09 1 Around Upper Deal 1843 onwards a
Photographs Alan Buckman 09 1 Around Upper Deal a
Misc topics 2009 Alan Buckman 09 1 Around Upper Deal - road names, Hasted 1800, Upper Deal Park a
Church Path 1910-2010 1843 details GROUP 10 2 Study of its history and the properties along it with the IR 1910 map, also tithe map b
Vine House, Five Ringers Margaret, Lis 10 1 Church Path properties b,f
Kent Terrace, Melrose Cottages Eve, Alan 10 1 Church Path properties b
Devonport House, Ivy Cottages Alan Buckman 10 1 Church Path properties b
Bowling Green, Crew's Farm Lis, Ian 10 1 Church Path properties b,d
Milestone House, Raby Cote Lyndon Smith 10 1 Church Path properties b
About Upper Deal Alan Buckman 10 1 The Ferns / Tournain, Rose Cottage / Uromi / The Little House b
Upper Deal Timeline Alan Buckman 10 1 20th century b
Blacksmiths Sue Buckman 10 1 In Upper Deal b
Farming in Deal Ian Williams 10 1 1843-1945 b,e,f
The Oaks and Warden House Schools Lyndon Smith & Eve Clark 10 1 Some history of these Upper Deal schools b
Education Lyndon Smith 10 1 The education scene b
Whippet Racing Pat Streater 10 1 Study of The Yew Tree pub and the racing track b
IR 1910 Survey Alan, Margaret 10 1 Description and map b
Health Care Maggie Ferguson 10 1 Various places used in Deal b
VAD in Deal Maggie Ferguson 10 1 Voluntary Aided Detatchment b
Tailoring - Mr Ongley Eira Martin 10 2 Tailoring in 1910 b,f
History of the bicycle Lis Pallett 10 2 The Deal workshops and the trade b
Pope's Court & Belisha Lis Pallett 10 1 The Tea Gardens and its later owner b,e,f
Researching - Sources used Alan Buckman 10 1 How the sources were used b,f
Life & Times 1750-1837 National events Alan, Maureen 11 2 Major themes. Local Timeline National events list c
Deal Area In Maps Alan Buckman 11 1 Mudge 1797, Mudge 1815 OS 1820 printing c,d,e,f
Coal Alan Buckman 11 1 Words + 2 Roget sketches DTC printed leaflet Extracts from Assembly minutes c
What people were doing Alan Buckman 11 1 Lists of typical jobs Extracts from archives. c
Music - Secular Alan Birbeck 11 2 Details of concerts, music events. Assembly rooms map extract c
Music – Sacred Alan Birbeck 11 1 Details of Organ in St Leonard's. Curling Xmas carol 1777, St George's organ c
Schools in Deal Gillian Chiverton 11 1 Typical scenes c
Charity School Gillian Chiverton 11 1 In Deal c
Napoleonic Effect Maureen Alan 11 1 Policies in place Sea Fencibles Shutter signalling system c
Growth of Credit John Morris 11 1 The banks in Deal. Any bankrupts. Why Major crashes c
Parish personalities Sue Buckman 11 2 John Gauntley Valentine Bowles & the 2nd c
Pilots Survey Deal Pilots Ian Williams 11 2 Rulebook, Surveys, Boats - Deal. List of Pilots 1822 Chart of Dutch Coast Deal Boatmen? c,e
Non-Conformism Lis Pallett 11 4 Picture of old mtg house Timeline of NC legislation Definition boxes Description of all the types of N-C in Deal c
The Mackneys Maggie Ferguson 11 1 Estate map c
Crime & Punishment Maggie Ferguson 11 1 Fellons. Bankrupt c
Parish People Maggie Ferguson 11 1 Baker brothers, Oakley c
From the Vestry Minutes Alan Buckman 11 1 Running of the church. Moving Naval Hospital. Burial grounds. John Gauntley c
Early Deal 1660 - 1750 Alan Buckman 12 2 Early records - tax - population - shipping - travellers d
Samuel Pepys & Deal Alan Buckman 12 1 Restoration of the Monarchy, Connections with Deal d
Freak Weather Lis Pallett 12 2 Local storms, earthquake, water spouts, Weather lore d
Plague & Pestilence Maggie Ferguson 12 1 The plague in Deal, 'cures' d
Coffee and a Play David Reekie, Sarah Buckman 12 1 Coffee houses. Charles Shadwell d
Trades & Occupations Paul Gillate 12 1 Traders, apprentices and job descriptions d,f
Rev. Edmund Ibbot Sue Buckman 12 1 Illustrious Rector of St Leonard's d
Getting Started …. Sue Buckman 12 1 Further places to explore records for Family History research d,e
Ringwould Workshop 2012 Ian Williams 12 2 Results of the Ringwould / Kingsdown workshop held April 2012 d
Charitable Giving Alan Buckman 13 1 Legacies recorded in various history books on Deal and some from Wills we have found e
Alms Houses Alan Buckman 13 1 In Deal and Walmer e
Walmer Baptist Church Coralie Kavenagh 13 3 Foundation and beginnings e
St Nicholas at Ringwould Pat Smith 13 2 Research on earliest Monumental Inscriptions e
Beaconsfield Road Area David Reekie 13 2 The evolving area and road names e
Mary Hougham Gillian Chiverton 13 2 Life, legacies and Mary Hougham Almshouses e
Walmer Place Paul Gillate 13 1 Description of this long lost stately pile e,n
Kingsdown Lifeboat Ian Williams 13 1 The lifeboat and the building e
Deal Ship Register Ian Williams 13 1 Register of shipping 19th Century e
St Clare Lis Pallett 13 2 The house, Leelands School through time e,n
Andrew Gram Lis Pallett 13 1 Life and Times e,n
Samuel Fasham Sue Buckman 13 1 Biography and family of Deal's fourth Mayor e
St Leonard's 1618 Alan Buckman 13 1 Seating plan e
George Sorocold Sue Buckman 14 1 Hatchment research - St Leonard's
Sampson Wise Sue Buckman 14 1 Hatchment research - St Leonard's
Walmer Baptist Church Coralie Kavenagh 14 3 Sunday School 100 years f
Deal and WW1 Alan Buckman 14 1 Impact on Deal f
Deal Naval Yard Alan Buckman 14 2 The Naval Agents and the yard - period 1640 to 1864 f
Deal Naval Yard Ian Williams 14 1 The boats f
Deal's Canning Factory Lis Pallett 14 2 Sprats and Maconochie's Stew f
Walmer Memorials Pat Smith 14 3 St Saviour's, St Mary's & Old St Mary's WW1 memorials f
St John the Evangelist Jenny Wall 14 2 WW1 Memorial at Kingsdown f
My Sweetheart Alan Buckman 14 1 Postcards to Forces Sweethearts f
Valentine Bowles Sue Buckman 14 1 Charter Committee Member - family origins f
Parochial School Gillian Chiverton 14 2 Roll of Honour WW1 f
Sholden Church Gillian Chiverton 14 1 Roll of Honour WW1 f
The Deal Memorials Alan Buckman 14 3 Deal Cemetery spreadsheet, War memorial Hospital, Medals, Monuments f
Deal 200 years ago Alan Buckman 15 1 Description of Deal in the Napoleonic period g
Transport 1785-1835 Alan Buckman 15 1 Some rare sketches g
Shipping Agents LucyAnne Curling 15 1 Oakley and Iggulden g
Naval Hospital Mary Clark 15 1 Part of the Barracks site g
William Pitt Eira Martin 15 1 Biography - Lord Warden of Cinque Ports g,n
Local Farming Ian Williams 15 1 Around Deal g
Early Schools Gillian Chiverton 15 1 Around Deal g
Lower Street 1851 AB IW LP SB GC 16 9 A directory with pictures, maps, biographies etc h
Lower Street Schools Gillian Chiverton 16 1 Timeline h
The Brewery Alan Buckman 16 1 Iggulden's Brewery h
High Street Sources Ian Williams 17 1 Selection of primary sources used i
Street Renumbering Alan / Ian / Pat 17 1 The Act and the Renumbering Register i
Mr Hulke Gillian Chiverton 17 1 Lives of two Hulke's i
High St Perambulation Chris Lumgair 17 1 An architect's guide i
Berlin Wool Sue Buckman 17 1 Shops in Deal i
8 High St Lis Pallett 17 1 Mr Kennett i
Franklins Sue Buckman 17 1 Draper and Photographer i
The Customs Alan Buckman 17 1 Offices and staff i
54 High St Lis Pallett 17 1 Occupiers i
Prospect House Ian Williams 17 1 Hayward Boat Builder i
The Old Guildhall Pat Streater 17 1 Occupiers i
National Businesses Sue Buckman 18 3 When they entered Deal High Street j
The Deal Post Alan Buckman 18 2 History of the post offices traced back to 1651 j
Street Furniture Lis Pallett 18 3 Man-hole covers etc of local builders j
William Henry Stanton Ian Williams 18 1 Pilot j
Notable Women Gillian Chiverton 18 2 Our famous Women j
A Postbox Nearby Alan Buckman 18 1 A Survey j
Charting the Downs Ian Williams 18 1 An early Admiralty Chart j
St Leonard's 1618 Gillian Chiverton 19 1 Seating plan introduction k
1640 Spanish Dutch War Alan Buckman 19 1 17th C Deal k
Street Furniture Lis Pallett 19 3 More Deal builders k
Rand and Den families Sue Buckman 19 2 in the 17th C k,n
Foche and Pittock families Jenny Wall 19 2 in the 17th C k
Coppine family Margaret Wills 19 1 in the 17th C k
Duke St. Estate Gillian / Alan / Ian 22 2 Estate map 1803, description and census m
Poorhouse Colin Varrall 22 1 Plans and article m
Poorhouse References Lis Pallett 22 1 Refs in the newspapers m
West Street Alan Buckman 22 1 Tithe 1843 and Renumbering m
Maps Alan Buckman 22 1 West ST Tithe and 1871 maps m
Visitors Guide Alan Buckman 23 1 Deal, Walmer & Kentish Telegram n
Walmer Schools Gillian Chiverton 23 1 In Upper Walmer. Merwald School n
Aerofilms Alan Buckman 23 1 1920's to 1940's from the air n
Convent of the Visitation Gillian Chiverton 23 1 The Convent, School and Roselands n
Upper Walmer Pubs Margaret Wills 23 3 The seven. n
Thompson's Brewery Alan Buckman 23 1 pre 1816 - 1950's n
Gothic House Lis Pallett 23 2 History and people n
Upper Walmer Maps Alan Buckman 23 1 1871 and street names n
High St Butchers Sue Buckman 23 1 Tracing the butchers n
Church Street Ian Williams 23 1 Census and property information. n
Tithe Map Ian Williams 23 2 Maps and owners / occupiers 1843 n
Resources Alan Buckman 10 1 Where to get information
The Landmark Centre Gillian Chiverton 1 History
Congregational Chapel Gillian Chiverton 1 1688-1907
Rose Hotel Andrew Sargent 17 1
John Boys & Farming Lis Pallett 2 Agriculture
1897 Diamond Jubilee Alan Buckman 1
Elizabeth Carter Gillian Chiverton 1
Researching… Alan Buckman 10 1 Street Drectory / 1910 Heraditament / 1911 Census